
That's no good. It was always the best strategy in grand prix if you messed up and your only hope was to ruin your friends chance at gaining points as well.

Third person's [censored]?

Sure. You're conflating censorship with a total ban on distribution, which can be considered a form of censorship, but is not necessary for censorship to occur. All censorship implies is that the form or manner of expression was curtailed; it doesn't matter for purposes of definition if the censorship takes the form

"If one live performance of an otherwise readily available song goes badly, that's not censorship. The label are still selling the record, right? I feel like "censorship" is becoming one of the most misused words on the internet.'

You're splitting hairs about words, but I would argue you're doing it wrongly. The distinction you claim between the bleep button and a broader conception of "censorship" is one of appropriateness, not one of definition. The requirement that ABC bleep certain "offensive" words is precisely censorship restricting the

Sure, I agree. Censorship in itself isn't impermissible in this context; it's just depressing that the network had such a twitchy trigger finger on the bleep button and censored important lyrics that went far beyond what would be punishable by the FCC.

Actually, that's not exactly true. The networks have certain obligations based on their status as government licensed entities.

"There might be an argument here that somebody just did a bad job on the
blip button, but that's not censorship, that's just sloppy quality
control of the blip button."

Thanks, Obama.

Next time you go, grab a six of Lagunitas instead. Especially if you see their Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale. Delicious. In fact, I'm going to go have one right now.

Cool story, bro.

Sorry, but there is no person out there who can't afford $5/month (student rate). And even $10/month seems pretty insubstantial. That's basically the cost of a cup of coffee each week.

I took it upon myself to excise those two tracks from the album when I put it on my ipod. Much improved.

Well, it's a little bit funny.

In worser news, the sequel is titled "The Master Race." This is not ending well.

Nope, disagree. One can never have enough Mitch McConnell turtle jokes.

Sonic Youth, guys. Just because they were also great in the 80s and 90s doesn't mean they were not also great in the 2000s. And no U2 legacy act here.

Sonic Youth. Even though the 00s were probably their third best decade, the albums they put out are better than anything from Spoon.

Couple years ago, I left about halfway through an Animal Collective show. I'd bought the tickets only to see the opener, Micachu and the Shapes. I've seen shows where the opener was a better or more accomplished band than the headliner, but I've never been to a show where the gap was so large as it was that night.

No, they didn't try to have the copyright "invalidated." And I'll take my legal analysis from someone who understands that basic fact, thanks.