
This is the best Animal Collective-related release since the last Panda Bear release. Basically, the further Panda Bear moves away from the Animal Collective sound the more interesting his work is.

This. So much this.

True, although the comments usually only relate to the title of the article, and rarely engage with the substance of the piece.


It was really an unarmed black man he shot?

Hello, I am Professor Kid Samaritan, and this is Introduction to Philosophy. Syllabi should be moving around the hall at the moment. This first week I've assigned a few readings that should be review for most of you if you happen to have watched any network television drama during your life.

For no real reason whatsoever, I really enjoy that every character speaks with a different (I assume their natural) accent. It always really annoys me when fluent English speakers adopt an accent. See Harrison Ford in that Russian sub movie (not Red October).

Bossanova [4AD/Elektra, 1990]
Though the words are less willful, they're still mostly indecipherable
without the crib sheet and still mostly incomprehensible with
it—leisure-class kiddies grasping at straws (or women: Black Francis
has gone through three girlfriends by cut five) as the solar system
bangs and whimpers

I ride with O'Neal for Trompe Le Monde.

The most interesting part of the Wu for me has always been RZA's beats.
And I'd be super disappointing if they'd stayed the same for the last 20
years. I love that you can listen to each album and hear his style evolve.

So much this.

Because that's the year he started making new styled beats, which as we all know, is never allowed by rap aficionados.

Right? It's so much more interesting for it.

We need to institute the F- for transcendent works that are inseparably awesome and awful—the bizarro A+, you might say.

Being kinda close! Now available in literary allusion form in addition to the original versions: horseshoes and hand grenades.

I can't even remember T3, but I agree that the series never should have been one. David Foster Wallace's critique of T2 is still one of my favorite essays of his.

Haha, that's exactly what I did. So much better.

Still a flawed use of the myth. Also, if we're going to trade quotes: "Though I’m certainly still most of the way down the mountain, I’ve made it to a new basecamp" implies a new starting place, which is antithetical to the meaning of Sisyphus.

"You know that dude Sisyphus with the boulder and the mountain and such? This was
one of those . . . years when I got all jazzed for like a minute and was able to move the boulder a small extra amount comparative to my usual boulder/mountain