
Stupid Tom Cruise.

Everyone has tests; some of mine are just more idiosyncratic that other persons'.

The album also doesn't listen like a 'C'.

I always used a person's ability to understand that lyric as a litmus test for friendship.

" . . . and so did the mighty Achilles walk with a bit of a limp for the rest of his years."

First, disingenuous is the wrong word. Second, my point was simply that the math you're using to back your argument is wrong. At $2 per album, Jackson made about $100 million from Thriller. Let's say that Macklemore gets 20% of the sound recording copyright payment (so $0.001 per play), at 250 million plays, that's

Which is exactly what proves the larger thesis.

The moral issue doesn't make the compensation issue any less valid.

But people who make your argument miss the fact that the two numbers do not go to the same entity. The $1-$2 per cd is the artist's share, the $0.005 is the payment to the sound recording copyright holder, which is then split according to the artist's contract. So that $0.005 is much less by the time it gets to the

It's unfair to conflate revolutionary and innovative. There are only a handful of musicians in the last 100 years who deserve the term revolutionary. Many more, including Kanye for the reasons MaximalistMaximalist notes, deserve to be considered influential and innovative. And I will call him a genius.

Kill Bill

Dear estimable sir:

"Also, if the majority of fans want to see a certain character, it
invariably means that that character interests them, wouldn't you agree?"

Okay, fans want to see Olivia. Fans love Charlie Sheen's character on 2 1/2 Men also, doesn't mean he's an interesting character or it's a good show. Same here. Fans often want comfort over challenge. Which, again, is fine, but not really my point.

Yeah, all that is true. Doesn't mean all the characters wouldn't be more interesting if they didn't exist solely through Olivia. People might stop watching, fine, which is why it will never change, but popularity has little to do with quality.

Nah, Mellie is the most interesting character precisely because she exists outside of a pure functionary to prop up Olivia's "greatness." Simply because Rimes and her writers are not good enough to create an interesting world outside Olivia doens't mean that a world around Olivai is interesting. And insisting on

I have no idea, I don't watch the spin-offs. (Which also are not the same show so not really on point with my comment.) But at least you seem to have a comprehensive and deep understanding of the city's food scene.

I think it's time for the show to return to Los Angeles for a season. I'm biased but the food culture in LA is currently second to none in the States. Plus, the quality of chefs the show now attracts could do some amazing work with the integration of Mexican/South Asian/Californian flavors that have been so critical

RT generally works great for knowing which movies are bad; it's a bit more random identifying movies that are great. It's rare that something up over 85% is actively bad, just often only average, like Star Trek.