My favorite thing about the Bronfman story is that his son from that marriage had a child with the British-Tamil artist MIA. That kid is going to have some identity issues!
My favorite thing about the Bronfman story is that his son from that marriage had a child with the British-Tamil artist MIA. That kid is going to have some identity issues!
" seems like Jewish bigots get a pass the rest of us just don't get." Wow that was fucking offensive next you will be ranting about how Jews control the world, she does not get a pass because she is Jewish she gets a pass because is white.
It is BEYOND OBVIOUS what this person means by "Hate Speech" is nothing more than speech SHE HATES. This person Kat is just too frail & emotional for the real world civil rights.
I'm trans. This is my real shit, thanks.
"I say this bc I'm an African American guy & my white friends get more pissed off about racism than I do."
Welcome to the world of Kat Callahan. The biggest problem in this world is the language people use when discussing transsexuals, and she never misses a chance to clutch the pearls in horror when it isn't done to her exacting standards. Sure, she's alienating allies of the community left and right, but dammit, it's… also said "killed someone because they were transgender" in the previous comment so I think bruuno's pronoun use actually mirrors yours here. Regardless, that's not the greatest way to evade whatever point they (he or she or other!!) were trying to make.
THIS! Thank you! I honestly don't give a fuck if you want to be a boy or a girl...more power to anyone who wants to use 2014 technology to make their life better. However...since I don't care how people live their life, I don't often worry about what special pronoun to use....which gets me categorized as a homo/trans…
I think she was pissed that you said "they" instead of "she". Apparently everybody is supposed to know the details of their incredibly convoluted underground language now. If you don't, you must hate them. lose all credibility when someone makes a good point and you ignore it to call them out on a pronoun slip that isn't even a slip.
Oh just stop the crap. The 'he' I was referring to was Lieutenant Jay Rodriguez which is very clear from the context. I am assuming from the name Jay it is a male. If you are somehow complaining about the use of the word 'they' well guess what, that is how YOU referred to her as well. But your pathetic attempt to…
Don't give me that garbage. You DON'T KNOW the killing was because they were transgender. You just don't. We have no idea right now. Stop it. All he said was we don't know the reason for the murder. You are putting words in his mouth. Stop making BS claims about some "list".
You have no idea what the motive is. You have no idea what happened. This could very well have been a hate crime. It also could very well have NOT been a hate crime. You and I don't have any idea what the motive was. GLAAD says they have no idea if it is hate crime. The cops don't know. The family doesn't know. What…
Jason Biggs is a fucking tool. And trying to pretend that publicly echoing some of the horrible shit that's been said about Tara Reid's body was just "a game" makes him a goddamn coward, too.
I know the age difference shouldn't matter, especially as it's none of my fucking business regarding any relationship. But is it not a little weird that this guy is one year older than her son?
25 is about the right emotional age for Stacy Dash.
White outrage is fucking annoying as shit. It's not our fucking place to be telling anyone what they should be outraged by. It is our job to know our privilege, to stfu and listen to POC. And to use our privilege to change shit.
Can you imagine how annoying it would be if men were always trying to tell women what women should be offended by?
I for one am just glad that there are no ancient egyptians around so we can all be spared the jezebel outrage article (that writes itself) on the cultural appropriation of ankhs and sphinxes and what not.
can you stand your ground with Febreze?