
Jimmy fallon’s lips are going to sore from kissing so much celebrity ass. His show is the worst, unfunny drek, with his inane games and nonsensical laughing. It’s like when you’re in a group people of and they are laughing are you like what is so funny I don’t get it, then you start questioning yourself. It’s always

These guys look exactly alike and joe biden looks like an older version of them. this is freaking me out.

oh yeah what about this

this title makes me think of another important charity:

They tried to make me go to the Amy Winehouse foundations recovery house for woman addicts, I said go go go.

Hillary voice is jarring sometimes, why can’t we just be honest. Even my ultra-feminist mom says she wishes she would stop shouting. I hate trump but people openly mock his shouting, hair, skin tone. Is this how it’s going to be when she’s president we can’t say anything bad about her or were anti-woman. I think she

You know what’s strange, when you talk to any old couple about how they met it always seems like the guy was basically just a stalker. Like I saw your mother in the library then I went back there the same time every day. I asked her out, at first she said no but then I followed her to the parking lot and wouldn’t let

So you’ve been.

I’m waiting for the sequel: Cortland

Maybe the allies who won WWII or perhaps these guys:


Now I’m suppose to worry about trans people all the time. I’m sorry ive got my own problems to work out i dont have time or any answers,plus ive got no allys, none. I wish i had fake allys.

But who are Hardcastle and McCormick endorsing ? I heard jake and the fatman are bernie bros is that true.

Don’t be fooled guys, this is definitely ISIS.

Ran into my dad too:

TAMMY METZLER: Who cares about this stupid election? We all know it doesn’t matter who gets elected president. Do you really think it’s going to change anything around here; make one single person smarter or happier or nicer? The only person it does matter to is the one who gets elected. The same pathetic charade

Well , I left new York. , at the time I had enough I hated it. When I left I felt good, clean air, quiet, big house. But after a while you do start to miss it. I think it’s like a war veteran looking back and missing the action, the brothership only human suffering can create. To tell the truth I just miss shit poppin

And so it begins. The maligning of Bernie supports. They were once the 99% fighting against the establishment billionaires Now there just stinky weirdoes who are somehow now as bad as racist trump supporters. I think they should be angry after the e-mails came out, what was the point of all those primaries/rallies

To the convention: