
Not to mention that we had no business going in there and we not only ruined Vietnam lives (in many different ways-if you are interested look up what happens to kids who are half white there like the abandoned military babies that many soldiers left there) but also the lives of our own soldiers who came back addicted

Meh, people often stick around for other reasons, one of them being money. Yeah, they’d both be rich but together they are no doubt both more comfortable. Plus they have kids-divorce always sucks for the kids in many ways. My neighbor’s wife lives in another state, in their other house. They have a daughter and you

Seriously, man. I’m a scumbag but let me endorse someone-take my word-he’s great. Oh and I’m not biased-the kid is my son. What a dipshit.

She looked like she had a stroke. Why you guys are finding this humurous is odd.

Meh, tastes similar and they both make me giddy!

haha. Yeah. Fact is no one can do it all-I think in the simplest of descriptions marriage was really meant to be a ‘partnership’ because of that—because no one can do it all but it turned into something that only one person was valued for (the one that brought in the $) and one was taken for granted. Women tried to

He was probably using very base humor with her, more for his own amusement, and it backfired. I don’t know if I would have been offended by it-my family and I used to tease each other a lot in our youth (operative word young) and sometimes we went “there” but a bad joke is a bad joke. I think there are some ‘base’

In Ivana’s defense, in her interview (with a male reporter-can’t recall his name) she said that she disliked Marla (Trumps 2nd wife, the woman who she attributes to the break up of her marriage) and that she liked Melania because she was “’somebody’-she’s First Lady.” So, Melania may have spoken too soon.

At first it seemed innocent enough-misunderstoood, but then they showed those old racist cartoons/advertisements and...

At first it seemed innocent enough-misunderstoood, but then they showed those old racist cartoons/advertisements and...

That Leonardo drawing looks like a man. I guess Leonardo was gay.

Oh what a foolish, girl. She’ll find out eventually.

What a kook. I say definitely drug test that guy.

Yeah. I’m surprised by this, actually. I mean throw the guy a bone. Sometimes people who start the law suit get big $ on these claims because it’s kind of an FU to the artists that use other people’s work without permission. She could have gotten off easy, if she had only asked him. Now it could cost her 20 mill, or

Agreed. And to be honest. I think Jennifer’s rise to fame is nothing she was really going for. I think somebody ‘at the top’ decided to make her the ‘it’ girl and she just went along.

The music business is going chew her up and then spit her out. They’ve done it to grown men. You don’t make money in that business unless sell out arenas and even then the Dixie Chicks (as an example) had to literally sue their own record company because they had gold records lining their walls but couldn’t even

Quack is wack.

No one cares.


Not being able to block out the light...although the night stars are probably delightful. <3