Why do all pedos actually look like pedos?
Why do all pedos actually look like pedos?
There is hope. This is hope personified...
Good for you but when I was younger that was one of my biggest fears, next to camel toe. Now that I’m older-the nipple thing doesn’t happen much and well, if there’s a little camel in the house-well then that’s on you. Stop staring at my yahoo!
Considering she looks better in a swimsuit than I do, she shouldn’t care what the haters say.
Don’t buy it. You already have one. And finances certainly an issue. He just doesn’t want anymore with her. Bottom line. Not saying he hates her or anything but...
A while back I was watching some entertainment show and I saw him looking at one of those sidebar entertainment reporters once like he was going to have lunch, if ya know what I mean. I think for like 4 seconds he forgot that cameras were rolling; I bet she was more than flattered.
A mentally ill person with suicide ideation-and then someone telling them to kill themselves (even after this person changed their mind(he got out of the truck) is the equivalent of telling a young child to go play in traffic. In both situations you are dealing with someone who is not in the mind to make ‘rational’…
These fools are acting up more than I did when I paid off my credit card and next month I got a $50 finance fee bill in the mail. I tried to get them to take it off but they wouldn’t it, so I said okay I am going to close this account and my bad shopping habits will no longer be to your benefit. Hope $50 was worth it.
I’m just going to put this here. My ex is Republican. This wasn’t an issue when we were married because it literally never came up. But towards the end it did and I was like, “WTF”. And he was one of those guys who did not articulate really well so any point he tried to make sounded idiotic, at best. Ironically, even…
Piece of shit humans. It’s okay because we all know that the meek shall inherit the earth. The meek don’t need trophies.
Not sure if this is going to answer your question as to why even mild mannered liberals discriminate against Roma, and if my thinking on it will make you ‘understand’, or just make you bummed out(which is not my intention at all).
A loss for not just her family/friends but science. I was wonder if she had symptoms and if she did why she didn’t get them checked out...or if she did get them checked out-what happened? Was it too late by the time she did? I hope someone close is willing to give up some information on that.
Oh yeah, well I once wore all pink...for weeks. I was such a nutter. Still am but I’ve cut down on the pink fetish considerably.
Before people have a cow over this. Madonna wrote a lot of her own music and fact is Witney did not. I agree with her about Sharon Stone. Having said that Sharon Stone is 100x better actress than Madonna could ever be. There is just something about her that just can’t pull it off.
I hear ya but be careful with that whole “but it’s not as bad as”. Just remember an abused woman saying that about her abusive husband, “At least he doesn’t beat me with an object.” Sure we have a lot of wonderful things in our country but we have a lot of work to do still.
That rich beeoch he’s cheating on his wife with better watch it cuz the next thing he’s going to do is guilt her when she tries to dump him “I left everything for you.”. Trust me, that’s what baby-hues do. It’s never their fault. Good look with that!
ps. In addition to the content of this article being right on the money it is written in a super cool way. This is coming from an auty (a bit on the autism spectrum)-trust me when I tell you that’s a big compliment, when coming from me. I’m currently reading The Handmaid’s Tale and I want to gouge my eyes out with a…
You have just saved me hours in therapy. THANK YOU. :)
I am so tired of this girl’s drama shit.
This takes ‘fat cat’metaphors to a whole new level. It only adds to the glutinous image we get of people in power getting more for themselves. Disgusting-and I’m fat, so I can call him a fat ass but at least I am not sitting my fat ass on the beach when everyone else is being kept from it.