
It’s hard to hate someone who is just following their instincts. It’s like  hating a goat for head butting or a rooster fro crowing but when narcissists or sociopaths go to jail, like you said-it’s more so we are safe from them than to ‘rehabilitate or teach them a lesson they won’t learn’. Important when you notice

My money is on Lana.

He literally said his daughter gave him reason so live, one time. WHY leave her now, before the boyfriends, and the college and the big important events? I say this with no anger, just plain sadness and befuddlement.

I’m almost positive that some cunts from my husband’s work put some in my drink when we are all at a club once. It made me throw up like I was the Exorcist and I had only had 3 drinks that whole night. If I had realized it back then I would have called the cops on those bitches. You can really screw someone up all

Oh, hell no. 

Creepy and shitty comedian.

Oh I wouldn’t be surprised one bit. 

I personally think they overwork us, screw us over every chance they get (no proper medical benefits) because they want all of us out-and by us I mean all the poor, all the immigrants all the sick. EFF off we are not going anywhere. We are going to make you be better human beings so that you can actually call

Three hours before his death was first reported, the Italian actress posted an Instagram story that showed her wearing a ripped, black T-shirt that read, “F–K EVERYONE” — with the cryptic caption, “You know who you are,”Apparently the pic was of Sid Vicious and Anthony Bourdain was known as the Sid Vicious of chefs.

More importantly in the story about Christ Hardwick is that Chris Hardwick’s girlfriend sent him text after text asking him back after he found out she cheated on him. Not saying ‘victims’ don’t sometimes want to stay or “go back” to their attackers, but it leaves some room for me to think that she is embellishing, or

Before you get all upset. Is this an April fools joke?

Quentin Terentino is a piece of shit.

Okay, let’s be real. That wasn’t piss, it was something else. And to be less blunt than you were- a present from her husband. But she can’t very well be saying that can she.? Anyway, that’s the reason I try never to have sex in the morning because my husband’s jizz will be spilling out all day. Not a problem with all

And aren’t you just too excited about some outdated, gross display of royal bullshit. No one thinks you guys are actual princes and princesses, counts or whatever in your drawn out shakespeare play.

Agreed. Also, I’d like to add that perhaps the fact that Kim has made it very clear to SJP that they are not friends makes the whole condolence thing from SJP ingenious, which could set somebody off. SJP was probably doing that more for herself than for Kim. If someone didn’t like me I don’t know if I would reach out

I was going to say who gives a hoot but apparently there are a ton of you 90's ladies who want some more spice in your life. lol I totally missed this boat and glad to have done so.

In the video, pregnant, she still had her full lips so the cynic in you can rest, as she was still using fillers etc. ;)

Fibromialga is to many physicians a non-disease Not saying she is not experiencing symptoms, but I am of the mind that all these symptoms are those of living in this modern world with too much processed food at hand, way too much exposure to radio frequency radiation, and exposure to pollution, in varying forms, all

Maybe if she can direct them to giver Romaine lettuce instead of Roman lettuce, she might get some place with these pesky chefs messing up her salad.

I think there are times in these situations when men are being ‘this way’ with women because they think they are making the woman feel like “she’s wanted” (for serious lack of better words). It’s like they are saying in their heads (the men) “I’m going to make Susan’s day and give her a little bit of attention.”and