
I sometimes feel there is a war on women, privately and publically. I’m sick of it. How can women-who bear all of the humans on earth become slaves/subjects by many of her children?

Love how the creep points out “they have no witnesses”. CREEPER mcCreeps.

I was only given stuff ONE time in the 5 years I played. Nothing really major but still. My husband played with me and he rarely gave me shit. And he would horde gold like a leprechaun.

Ya big ho (“I *still*would married or not.”

Warm place in hell waiting for that woman. Just sayin’.

Did this happen because there was no corroborating evidence that the father was ‘violent’ (ie no restraining orders, not jail time, no neighbor corroboration)?

Spell check and the ‘proper use of word’ thing too. I wrote a post on Facebook and I said ‘slack’ instead of ‘flack’ hurts, I’m not going to lie, but thank goodness for editing options.

Oh, it’s this asshole again. He got under someone’s dress at a red carpet thing a while back. That guy is going to get his teeth kicked in if he’s not careful.

Oh, but ElephantShoe2--they did studies and ran numbers and apparently we do, don’t ya know?

Dislike this song immensely.

I have a feeling she wouldn’t go there unless there was proof.

Yeah, I know she did that for ‘practical purposes’ but she’s still crazy. I love many things about her but she’s off her rocker and there are too many examples of it out there I can point to. You do the research.

If anyone’s stupid-Brad seems like dull as a board. He’s probably just good in bed- and that’s why Anjolie went for him in the first place. I do think Anjolie is weirding out even more than usual. The whole getting rid of your boobs (and uterus?). Anyway, not too many men are good with ‘crazy’. Sorry to say crazy

Knew that was coming a MILE away (the lawsuit).

Totally...I’ve been ‘daydreaming’ and reacted to something in my head that didn’t match what was happening. I hate it when that happens! 

I agree with you a bit. When I was a kid, it felt super cool to wear something that was ‘American Indian’, for example. I felt like it was a way to honor them. I didn’t know about appropriation back then.

Grow up, duesch bag.

Well then, I wish she would retire. Her dancing half-ass shows do not give her credit to her good work in the past.

Yeah, she’s doing way better than she was before but, personally, I think she’s due to retire. I’ve seen video of her shows and she doesn’t seem all that into it.