
She is NOT required to work. You are way off there. Most conserved people are disabled otherwise they would not be conserved, therefore she would likely qualify for disability benefits. How do I know this? I worked in the mental health field and had some clients who were conserved and NO ONE made them work.

Conservatorship is not enslavement. They don’t have to make her work. She has the right not to work and just live off her proceeds. Maybe someone is making her think she needs to work to keep up with her lifestyle, where they really are just making her keep with with ‘their’ lifestyle-who knows but over all she can

Yeah, but that’s her ‘business’, ya know? She really can’t do anything else. You saw when she was a ‘judge’ on that show; she wasn’t any good at that.

That is how artists make money. That’s why she’s probably doing it, not because she wants to. Why do you think Madonna is still touring (well, okay-she probably still ‘wants’ to do it).

Uh, I wouldn’t be surprised is Lena Dunham and Wood Allen both saw each other at perverts anonymous meetings. (and I’m being kind here).

Not sure if any of you realize but Lindsay did NOT take what her ex did as ‘abusive’. That’s why she’s doing this stupid shit on social-media luring him back. If he has any brains in his head he will run and not look back.

I’ll second your last comment for sure. And I THANK my lucky starts there was no facebook around when I was a teen/20 year old. THANK YOU JESUS. Kids/young folks these days...they have some different challenges that could end up affecting their lives in a bad way.

Yeah, me too (in the wrong business). You are basically paid more than teachers, lawyers, etc. just to chat about yourself and pretend you are other people! lol

The consumers are most mad...for making yet another celebrity attention hound relevant.

Is this the ‘pre-cursor’ to the lawsuit?

Agreed. Although, do you think maybe his wife was away with Hillary too much? I will say that I went without sex for like a year (my husband and I were having problems) and I craved human/sexual/intimate connection.

This made me spit laugh. lol

I dunno man. I dug it. Everything about it... from when they first get to Marfa and become misfits, to when her husband doesn’t get jealous over his wife having a hard-on for his ‘teacher/boss/guru’ (was never sure what). And the letter is perfect. Who hasn’t wanted to write this type of letter to someone? That

This is just as unprofessional as your co-worker trying to diagnose someone’s mental illness but even worse because at least your co-worker doesn’t have a professional license so he’s not breaking any ‘ethical’ codes when he/she’s playing arm-chair psychologist.

Everytime I see Ben Afflec I want to drop kick em into another dimension.

Ann Coulter cracks me up. She will latch onto any issue, no matter how small or insignificant, like a pitbull with lock jaw, as long as it tears down democrats/liberals but has found it in her little, black heart not to find this comment from Trump offensive.

Yeah. I like the smell. I used to smell it really well on my husband. Don’t really smell it anymore but I don’t know if it’s my sense of smell that’s changing or his smell. It’s probably me. My sense of smell has lessened in the years.

*raises hand* I used to only eat every other day for a while when I was 13 and 14 years old. I am sure I screwed my metabolism up for a while after I started eating ‘normally’. Yep, lots of those stories around.

It’s not rocket science. He didn’t want (or Hillary didn’t want) negative publicity to be associated with the fundraiser. Smart move on both parts.

She already does...she already does.