This puts an end to the Football Cops Era...
This puts an end to the Football Cops Era...
Look, man. We’re leaving out important elements to this story with the way we talk about this.
If you do that, then the Pats get to claim they’re the closest team to perfection, and fuck that noise.
This is even weirder for me. I had a friend once do the 5 for $5 deal at Arby’s. Nobody wants to eat 5 roast beef sandwiches. They stop by Barnes and Noble later, and this dude smushed up a sandwich in the biggest book they could find, and then wedged it back into the shelf.
My favorite Morten Andersen story popped up around the time Brett Favre finally played against the Packers and then beat them. And then every sports news mouthpiece was saying Brett was the first player to beat all the teams in the NFL, which was a lie.
Morten Andersen had already done it. And if that team moved, or…
I’m not sure it’s possible to get a less intelligent Boris Johnson.
Every Trump or Johnson headline.
Caaaaaar workers on strike.
No questions, I’m just requesting that you drop as many references to the movie “Taken” as possible while driving it with Porsche reps around.
Are we just gonna ignore that clutch photobomb by the photog back and to the left?
Psh. Just get a bigger snifter. :)
I’m in on this for #2 and #3, but I’m not vegan. (I will go plant-based for stretches of time, though.) I feel like fast food is literally where this stuff should be. It’s not good enough as a processed thing that I’d cook these patties or that terrible, terrible taco filling.
Oh lord. I’m sorry that this happened to you. :( To just have life-threatening allergies thrust on a big portion of what you eat is bad times.
It’s not that new. They’ve been using it since Kaepernick.
When this all shakes out, I firmly believe that Nadal will be the greatest of all of the Big 3. Djoker #2, Fed #3.
There’s CTE residue in every video tape, and when you start devouring them, apparently you get CTE.
Meet the New Browns! Same as the Old Browns!
They also probably didn’t accuse you of setting the fire yourself, even though you’re the ones who called them there
Dunno why Mayock had to get all salty about it.
A lot of this is breaking down split second moments on multiple replays, but that frame-grab doesn’t tell the story. Not only is Rosario not at the warning track, that’s after a two-step gather. Dude is fully loaded and ready to launch in that frame.