
I can’t find the one with the rookie WR talking about how he made the cover of ESPN, and the someone pointing out that the magazine hasn’t been out long enough for that to happen.

And then him going with “Harold Carmichel never made the cover of ESPN the Magazine...”

But tastefully done.

Warriors are a secondary hate target. They don’t gate hate until primary hate targets are exhausted.

I’ve been saying this for years now. “Advanced stats” in basketball are just the new way of saying, “The better team lost today”.

This is correct. Watch those “incredible” 7 game series against the Derrick Rose-led Bulls (alternately, the Rose-less Bulls) and watch some of the “picks” that Davis/Perkins/Garnett use to free up Pierce and Allen, and then compare that to the contact that Pierce creates on his shot to get FTs.

No, they play rap-rock.

“On the main stage, it’s the Weaponized Mulatto! Ladies watch out, cuz he’s set to full-auto.”

I remember one year Thurl led the league in games played in the regular season with 84.

Not only has there not been another Thurl in sports as long as David has been alive, there hasn’t been another Thurl in the 4 major sports AND college EVER. The closest was a forward from Mercer in 1997 named “Thurlester”.

And yet, if that Arsenal team were in the league at the same time as this year’s City or Liverpool, they wouldn’t win the PL.

Same on the tequila. The next day I couldn’t even keep WATER down.

He does make the last one over Iggy.

The hottest Japanese curry I’ve ever had would rate a “please no spice whatsoever” at any Thai place I’ve been to.
Japanese curry’s great, it’s just not spicy. At all. 

I don’t know why it’s Jack Black now...

I get to work on time so I can work. I stay up late to do that things THAT MAKE ME THE PERSON I AM. You are not your paycheck.

Real talk, can we actually start rallying behind her? Not necessarily because we want her to win, per se, but we want her IDEAS to win.

I have 4 auto “nopes” on dating sites/apps.

That’s some damn good viscosity.

Well, he hasn’t done it for like, 7 years, so he was a bit outta practice.

I bet it’s one of them patchy beards with holes in it so it looks like a physical manifestation of a DC movie plot.

In Cleveland, they’re VERY SERIOUS about their racial insensitivity.