
I seem to remember the Greg Anthony and the Trailblazers doing this back during the time where they were getting their asses beat by the Lakers.

Neither of us, actually.

Yeah, high school ID isn’t hard to fake. 

I was at a concert, and heard some Disney engineers talking about trying to build Star Wars land.

Those asshole Jedi. They know goddamn well the movie’s releasing after September, AND LOOK AT THOSE WHITE PANTS!

According to the claims of the testmakers, most people won’t improve their scores by much more than 200 points, even with studying for it.

That’s the thing for me. She’s a B student. A 900 is underperforming for her grades. Then she retakes and, does 79th percentile, which is like, in line with a B student. That’s not exactly shocking to me.

“What’s cal-koo-lus?”

Is that dude John Wall?


Toothless lady would have been all, “You’re not letting me stab theeeeeemmmmm.”

I scrolled through a couple pages of replies. I found ZERO people even close to backing him up. Pretty amazing.

Probably the only good point I’ve heard Bill Simmons make in the lsat decade is that WRs tend to be divas because their performance isn’t just based on how well they’re doing their job, it’s entirely reliant on how well the QB is doing THEIR job.

He had a Le Fevour, and the only cure was less Chicago.

I’ve tried 0 drops of Cabo Wabo, and that’s because the name sounds like something a drunk gringo in Mexico thinks is FUCKING HILARIOUS.

Today was the first time I’d become aware that MacGregor (he of the, Northern “Have-Gotten-My-Face-Smashed-In MacGregors”) was associated with this whiskey product, because I was behind a Proper No. Twelve truck on my way to work this morning. I figured that it would be a 12-year-old whiskey from the name, but here

It’s only a danger in the microwave, honestly, because you have to heat the water up without disturbing it, and the surface of whatever you’re boiling it in has to be smooth.

For real, though, you should try and go vegan for a bit. Maybe like, a couple weeks outta the year. Cholesterol is a moving average. If you take 2 weeks outta the year to just not add any new cholesterol into your body (only animal-based protein has cholesterol in it.), your body will basically clear out most of it.

Now playing

“...And the facial expressions on your dunks are VERY LIMITED!”

“Then sorry, you’re still kind of a jerk. For one thing, you don’t know if they really don’t seem to care that you’re there. Some people just come off as aloof but actually aren’t. Some people are trying to appear that way as a defensive mechanism. Some people might not care because you already did something that made