I bought this stuff. It’s getting resold to crazy-go-nuts prices, but this was literally 200 yen when I bought it. I bought all 3 packs the store had, and it was fucking great.
I bought this stuff. It’s getting resold to crazy-go-nuts prices, but this was literally 200 yen when I bought it. I bought all 3 packs the store had, and it was fucking great.
Yeah, probably so, if only because one side or the other winning that would have created industrywide repercussions for later on.
Well, they were getting sued for ripping off the concept for the game by a company who they were working with, sooooo...
Look, real talk. I’m gonna spring for bougie instant ramen once I get rich. It’s just way better. I know that Top Ramen’s like 20 cents, but I bought some in Japan that was 2 bucks, and it was more than 10 times better.
I would have a city. It would be called Pound Town.
“A+, U-S-A!”
Yeah, this. I don’t think he looks old. I just think he looks BAD.
Go him? :)
Wait, so nobody here is gonna say anything about McCarron naming his kid Cash Carter McCarron?
It’s such fluff that I just find myself making up other just as meaningless lyrics for it.
No, you don’t BUY the lotto tickets. You just keep being an insufferable jerk about how you got 5 out of 6.
I think they’re probably the Tamper-Resistant Caps.
And he’ll do it in a quarter.
I’m fairly certain that Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing is actually the worst driving game ever made.
Yeah, it’s not.
So, like, this enterprise of sites is always posting old news articles because that shit’s tangentially-related to something that’s trending.
Let me know when one of these bundles pops up on a retailer that isn’t hellbent on destroying the working class.
Let me know when one of these bundles pops up on a retailer that isn’t hellbent on destroying the working class.
Rebecca Salley knows what’s up. You aren’t perfect just the way you are. All women are not perfect 10s, all dudes are not divine gifts to women, and if you’re not taking care of your health, you’re “not living your best life”.
No he couldn’t. They’d throw his ass out.