
Look, I’ve been following UE environmental art since UE3.5 came out and this is... fine. But it has a very “I just bought these assets on the marketplace and plopped them into a level at max settings with no LODs” feel. Even if they made them all themselves, they’re still sending the “My First Level” vibe which is not

I want to know how well the foliage interacts with objects pushing thought it. I have seen foliage deformation in some games but the exact titles are not coming to mind. 

Name one film that adapted a game badly because the plot it adapted didn’t lend itself to film. ‘cos any I can think of didn’t even try to adapt the games’ plot, they came up with their own, and it was crap.

Most films are pretty light on plot. Complex plots are fairly rare. The scene writing and arc of the characters tends to be more important, even in dramas. Plot is largely overrated. Video games can excel at moment to moment beats in a scene, and in the last 20 years character has become the major focus (when it isn’t

Those sure are words. 

Barsanti’s grade notwithstanding, I’m very much looking forward to this as it’s own thing after very much liking the Castlevania series. It’s western anime from very good talent, so let’s go.

haha great point. Side note: I wish they’d kept some of the truly weird long faces and out of proportion bodies for this adaptation. The game had a distinct look where a lot of people just didn’t look quite right. If you’re going with one of the weirdest video games of the last generation, which is a skewed Japanese

As I recall, the ending was also something of a meta-commentary on gaming...which probably couldn’t translate into a cartoon adaptation.

Out of all the games to adapt this seems like a weird one. It has a pretty standard fantasy story with a chosen hero and a few characters I can see working well, but as the article touches on, the appeal of the game is based in three extremely video-gamey things.

Is this literally “What if Yakuza, but Edo though”? As a fan of Way of the Samurai and Yakuza this appeals to me greatly.

I suspect the people who are deeply concerned about it’s portrayal of Japanese culture generally won’t really care that much about what actual Japanese culture thinks of it.

This game surprised the heck out of me. I remember when I watched the initial gameplay videos I was unimpressed, but the gameplay and story ended up sucking me in. I do feel like there was some significant missed gameplay opportunities (I feel strongly that lightsaber customization was nearly pointless as it stands

Throw in lots of load screens.

Yes, that is what these articles always promote - even if it's not directly saying so. There is a gigantic double standard when it comes to these things. 

Is it easy?  Didn’t realize most people had the hardware necessary to rip n64 roms just sitting around the house. Or wait... are you suggesting that people commit a crime?!

It’s not much of a stretch; we already know they go after fan games. If anything, ROM hacks are more egregious as they potentially motivate piracy.

Looking forward to the article on Tuesday stating Nintendo demanded it to be taken down

Every time you post a fan nintendo project it gets shut down, stop that shit 

yeah, this—the original xbox one controller d-pad is too slippery. the angle of approach is too low.