
Yeah, I’m literally waking up early for the morning shift tomorrow. 

Why am I continually seeing people spam that wildly incorrect report from a nobody website? Nobody has been fired, we’re all still here doin’ our thing. Like these posts, which you’re commenting under right now.

They haven’t been fired. Only Barry from Deadspin was fired. Kotaku staffers are just showing support and solidarity on Twitter but no Kotaku members have been fired. This article claiming this was poorly researched- Barry never worked for Kotaku.

Good to hear. Hope thats still the case when this settles.

Fun fact: nobody has been fired, we’re all still here and still doin’ our thing.

Good on you for the solidarity kotaku has shown today. I’m sorry you’re all going through this. We’re with you.

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


As with all things sensitive like this, avoid the greys. People will use any event to spread their abuse and hate, even something like this. Ignore them.

Spiderverse made only $375million. Disney would take you out back and shoot you for that kind of low end gross (Solo).

Based on how negotiations work, Disney wasn’t going for 50%, that was just their starting position, showing that they wanted a much larger share. Which, you know, makes since, being that the deal is up for renegotiation and the movies have been insanely successful.

Sony is the one people are mad at because instead of

Disney no doubt feels like the MCU brand is what’s made the MCU Spiderman films so much money.

Exactly. Venom’s and Into the Spiderverse’s success made them cocky and they think they can actually make good films now. Except the fact that Venom was enjoyable was basically a fluke, because it was still a poorly scripted, poorly edited garbage pile that happened to be anchored by an entertaining performance by

In all honesty, you’re right. I fully expect the next Spider-Man movie to be good but not great (if they keep the same stars, writers and director) and then Sony is going to get full of themselves and then it is going to go right down the toilet again, and in 5 years we get another dead Uncle Ben

OH God. Does this mean we are going to see Uncle Ben die again!?!

And Iiiiiiiiiiii-yiii—iiiiiii....will always....love youuuuu

As we’ve seen countless times over the years, Sony is allergic to success and money.

I guess Sony got tired of making money.

Welp. There goes any hope for more quality Spider-man Films.

Pretty impressive actually.

I have this and I’d recommend it. There’s definitely a volume sweet spot for DTS VirtualX, albeit a generous one. If you have the volume too low, your ability to discern that the sound is coming from in front of you overpowers the resonance effects used to trick you into hearing rear and vertical surround.

I have this and I’d recommend it. There’s definitely a volume sweet spot for DTS VirtualX, albeit a generous one. If