

Epic? You mean Riot?

I like the old character art, and the new model, for the first one, at least.
But I don’t play LoL, so it doesn’t impact me that much, nor do I care all that much. I don’t have the investment necessary.

That’s true to an extent, I agree. And I think if we were talking 1990’s Molyneux, I think calling him proven would be correct. But pretty much after Fable 1 (and arguably to a certain extent, starting with that game) things have gone down-hill to an extent, and I think he’s not remotely a proven bet as a developer

I believe it’s on their list of upcoming features.

Honestly, if you keep up with even a quarter of the content CIG/RSI puts out involving development and what they’re working on, and keeping people informed, and you understand how development of something of this scale works, you’ll know there’s not a ton of reason to be exceptionally worried about one’s investment

Elite is massively different, in scope, gameplay, and source of funding. They’re in a similar genre, but they’re massively different in a hell of a lot of ways.

Despite Molyneux’s measure of success in the past, I’m not sure I would call or have called him proven, ever.

It’s not. That’s in-game, right now.

They have specifically said they are as against that concept utterly, and that it will never be that way. Ships will also not be sold past Launch.

There’s just not enough variation for a game of its size. Both the previous, much smaller games in the series, had soundtracks of equal, if not greater size.

And honestly, while the soundtrack is good, and there are some truly fantastic songs, I think it’s easily the weakest and most generic overall of the three.

If you have a Nvidia card, or are running a game that’s supported by GeDoSaTo, it’s quite easy. There are some simple guides out there, just do some searches. It’s not too hard, as long as you’re not wanting to do utterly insane resolutions. GeDoSaTo is better for super high resolutions (like 5K+) You can do

So, what I’ve discovered, is that those markers (at least for me) are dependent on the right time of the day (essentially whether they’re open or not), and at their shop. Annoyingly, the icon often will not show up at all if they haven’t shown up for work yet, which can be confusing if you’re trying to plan.

I still found Roach taking forks in the direction leading away from the path on my minimap.

I dig your account name, Fahey.

They never actually got around to make them do /anything/. The page about them still lists a statement from years ago basically saying “Stay Tuned! We have all kinds of cool ideas and things you’ll be able to do with your Origin Points soon!” None of which ever, ever materialized. They never even updated that webpage.

The Mass Effect DLC thing is Bioware’s fault. They refuse to transition their old games that used Bioware points (to confuse and rip you off, much like XBox live points, and that could only be bought in certain pre-set amounts that never equaled the amount you needed to buy something), to costing real money. Their

And a new engine is an acceptable explanation/excuse for UI and UX regressions..., how?

Eh. Not really.

I don't have to: