
My biggest issue with the PSN is that downloads are completely screwed no matter how good your connection is, on an absolute ton of PS4s ever since a firmware update back in Nov. or so of 2014. It’s a big problem, and makes it hard to enjoy using the service.

It’s fine if you don’t like episodic content, if it’s not for you.
-But a lot of people do, and I could name a number of reasons why it’s a good thing, both for developers, and consumers.

Also, while certain elements (like the story) are episodic of a sort, the whole model is different. (Though it’s still a feed of

Side note: I also think for a number of reasons, it’s a potentially much more sustainable model of development.

My biggest issue with the PSN is that downloads are completely screwed no matter how good your connection is, on an absolute ton of PS4s ever since a firmware update back in Nov. or so of 2014. It’s a big problem, and makes it hard to enjoy using the service.

Neither. It’s a continuing release. Something I would like to see a number of games/series adopt.

Yeah, no way that a lack of dedicated servers is a money issue. Bullshit.
This is one of the highest budget series of all time. They sell 20-30$ DLC every month or two, and nearly the whole fan-base purchases it. They have god-damn Red Bull exclusive content deals, and exclusive DLC deals with Sony, which I’m sure they

Supposedly Bioware were also given orders for a new Star Wars game, supposedly an RPG, when EA got the Star Wars contract and put Visceral (action adventure something with Amy Hennig) and DICE (Battlefront) also on the job. So we may eventually get..., something.

They really did have great uniforms.

So..., pretty disturbing?

Honestly, I get this is likely partly driven by the need/wish to keep away from the FF and Mutant/X-Men names officially and everything, but personally, I find it to be some of the most interesting, unique, new change-ups and situations with intriguing potential, in a long time.
I feel like they’re bucking so many

Playing Uncharted 2 with a friend, with his family watching it basically as a movie, is still one of my all-time favorite gaming experiences.


When I first saw the title of this piece, my immediate and firm reaction was, “No, it shouldn’t have.” Not because it’s a bad system, or because dynamic AI/procedural characters aren’t cool, but because just popping down entire massive (and incredibly technically complex) system of mechanics into a game that isn’t

Oops. Doublepost.

Sadly, this is a very different situation from Crysis.

Sadly, this is a very different situation from Crysis.

That sounds like a nice idea, but that would take an incredible lot of computational power. You’re essentially powering a second viewpoint. And VR already takes way, way, way more power/bandwith than your average game/gaming situation at even 1080p60, something consoles can barely handle most of the time these days,

Yup. Same/similar here.

Yeah. It’s been going on since like Nov. 2014. There are entire pages of PS4 forums dedicated to it.

Plenty, actually.
I mean, I’m a cynic, but you’re either trolling, or just not paying attention.