
Good. Until this situation is fixed, they should. I was hoping this would happen.

The situation is unacceptable, but I appreciate they at least understand that, and are seemingly at least taking a first step in making appropriate responses and reparations.

Interesting explanation and idea. Not sure if it makes up for the lack of quality, though?
And I imagine even if that was the intended context, that it wasn’t implied very clearly.

Unlike Destiny, American Apparel actually seems like they’re trying to improve though, seemingly?

Not to be overly cynical, but is anyone that surprised?

Yeah. I had a similar situation with Unity. Didn’t really get many if any bugs, and while my performance wasn’t exceptional, and it improved with patches, it was never particularly terrible. But I’m also aware that my experience was an edge case, and very much /not/ what many other people were dealing

Well, I’m pretty sure this is a direct-feed shot from the demo, so...

As I said. My response holds.

Unless it’s done by Nixxes.

No, the port is just bad, period. Everyone’s getting fucked on this one.

And last tip (sadly, for the moment), don’t play it on PC.

This is weirdly charming.
I feel like it could work great with this style on a tablet, or something.
Reminds me a bit of old-school Runescape, in a way.

One really, really hopes.

Nope. Takes place in the Czech.

I’m fairly sure this is actually a screenshot?

It’s not necessary, but it definitely helps, right?! :D
Show off those lovely (screen space? I dunno. Could be some kind of Naughty Dog voodoo variant, too. They do that sometimes.) reflections as much as one can, because god is it nice to have them finally.

And, well- wetness and dampness was something we had a lot of

The Witcher 3?

They didn’t change anything. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

I’m sorry, but you either have no clue what you’re talking about, or are just straight-up trolling.

Any news on what version of Unreal the remake/remaster is being done on, or any other more specific technical details?

Looks like a later version of Unreal 3? (Compared to the OG Gears version.)

Also, any way this can be formatted so the slider images don’t have vertical scrollbars, or that we can compare them larger

Unreal can absolutely do fully dynamic lighting, but it’s not its specialty. (Cryengine for instance, tends to do so, much more so.) It tends to rely more on static and prerendered/baked lighting and shadows, which allows it to look better with less cost, at the potential loss of greater dynamicism and accuracy as