Yeah. An odd choice of cover picture. Particularly since it doesn’t represent the game accurately. But, eh.
Yeah. An odd choice of cover picture. Particularly since it doesn’t represent the game accurately. But, eh.
No, they’re not. You clearly have no clue how complex, difficult, and expensive backwards compatibility is.
And bringing old, fantastic games to people who’ve never played them before, or who maybe just love them a lot, really isn’t hurting anyone else. These are safe, good bets, that benefit customers that would like…
I believe it’s actually a small easter-egg/joke/reference to their fellow Polish developers Flying Wild Hog and their recent excellent remake of the old-school shooter and katana simulator Shadow Warrior.
Not quite, but yes. He lost the melanin in his hair during The Trial of the Grasses/his mutations, and he became paler, too. -Amongst much bigger physical, but mostly nonvisible changes. (Though his eyes are another more obvious one.)
WoW’s art style has a lot more to do with being designed to run on the lowest common denominator PC than an extreme wish to do the style in that way. Sure, they’ve done the best they can, with stylizing it and adapting to the limitations, but the art style isn’t remotely why the game has endured and survived so long.
Not complaining, or insulting you. Just stating. Take it easy, my friend.
Prnt Scrn didn’t work at the time for some reason, and I didn’t have anything running at the time to take a screenshot quick enough. (though I usually do) And while I normally obsess over quality, since this was just a quote, and I just wanted to text it to a friend, taking a picture on my phone which was quickly…
Lovable, but flawed?
But the flaws aren’t actually worth removing the gameplay concept entirely, because it’s awesome?
Every horse Geralt has, is called Roach.
It’s more of a title, in some ways.
Although not every horse is a Roach. They have to have a certain temperment. :p
Bit low-res, though.
I approve of this greatly.
The servants must hate sorcerers and sorceresses. “Every damn time. Books everywhere. Goblets dented! Just cleaned this room 10 damn minutes ago. Can’t they just go outside before they bloody teleport, for once?” -sighs, and begins the inevitable clean-up-
Yeah. If you run through a portal someone makes, it’ll actually portal you to where they’re going, which is really, really awesome and cool attention to detail.
“A Witcher, or Witchman, a wandering monster slayer, also commonly known to be the sole individuals on the entirety of the Continent to successfully herd those devilish tricksterly fiends otherwise commonly known as..., Cats.
It really is.
Both games collected together in one box.
Too many nekkers on the dance floor.
I think that’s a pretty weird statement to make, considering that I’m the one inhabiting my own brain and am thus significantly more likely to be aware of my own intentions and wants and the reasons behind them, than a complete and utter stranger.