
It’s an MMO, in all but name, and masses of players.
It is absolutely one, in the way it plays, is obsessed with loot, raids, grinding, repetition of the same content and areas... Story isn’t all that important. Content is reliant on essentially required expansions.
It may not technically be “Massive”, but in every

I’m glad things are at least improving, at some level, but I think I’ll still wait for a Destiny sequel with some significant improvements and extra development before I’m going to drop so much money on a game (and all the expansions) that is so often broken, disappointing, or simply has potential, but can’t execute

-But, come on. She works in a bloody particle accelerator.

See, and that last point, is why I always liked the biological webs. It just feels much more logical, and weirdly, believable. -Even if Parker is supposed to be a genius.

Can it just cancel out pretty much anything from the last season, period? I feel like it shows just how bad season 3 Arrow was, overall, that I honestly wouldn't care if any and all of the last season was completely wiped from canon, or at least a number of things majorly reduxed and shifted.

I haven’t heard a thing about this. D:

It’s good to see GSC back at work, making wonderful games again, particularly after the trouble they’ve been struggling through in the last few years.

What the fuck?

Well, actually I would argue their misuse of rape in the past (the Cersei-Jamie scene) failed to characterize or change either character particularly, from the event. (Which is where they failed doubly: 1, in making it a rape. and 2. that once they had chosen to present it that way, it in no way really affected the

How are these that different from the Emperor’s Hands?

A truly fantastic video series focusing on witcher lore done by Youtuber “Shoddycast”: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=…

Highly recommended, especially for beginners. He does a great job of making it approachable, and enjoyable.

Triss has a kind of American accent, too.

Yeah. For instance, Yennefer was originally a hunchback.

Since the first game, you can kill/finish off a downed or “unconscious” enemy with your hidden blade.

In short, the game looks amazing and is the most visually impressive racing simulator we have ever seen.

This is..., all in-game footage.

Whistle is back, at least...
Supposedly along with being able to move/carry/hide bodies.

Not a CGI trailer, but yeah.

And as someone who deeply, deeply loved this series once upon a time, I’m really having trouble getting excited about this... :(
A problem that has been getting slowly worse and worse for me, since Patrice Desilets left the series.

CDPR has stated that completing every bit of content in the game at a decent difficulty level will require roughly about 200 hours.

Play it.