He actually took it from Ollie when he captured him, and then let him go.
He actually took it from Ollie when he captured him, and then let him go.
Eh. I'd say being dragged back from the actual dead (not near-death like Oliver, let's be honest) by semi/un/supernatural means, might make anyone lose it a little, potentially.
I want Katana as a regular, badly. Nyssa would work, too. Or, better yet, both.
Or, you know, he could maybe use another name, -hm-, something dark, or relating to discretion, but not necessarily guaranteeing absolute death in the description… Hm. Shadows. The League of Shadows.
-Now why does that sound familiar…?
Um. No.
Man I love those trailers so much.
"Free shipping, if you..., know-what-I-mean. -But really, it's digital. There's no distribution cost."
Also, what happened to the Oswalts? Did I miss something, or I did I just block it from my memory?
Man, Blacklist was/is disappointing.
I thought with Spader headlining it might be a shot, but…, nope.
I thought her modification was already incredibly stupid, but damn if that isn't a really good point. Man, I must be tired or something…
And in this form, it works. Cute little short film.
Erm. Well, I definitely don't want to fight. Discourse is my primary concern, along with the exchange of each other's frank opinions, in a conversation. I think that's what we've been having, or at least I certainly would hope so.
He was holding her for several minutes. This is one of the last shots.
Then nonetheless, my comment stands.
-Yes. Critics breed critique of themselves too, naturally. It's an inevitable reality of people having opinions. But harassment of women in the game industry is not remotely limited to critics, or occurring simply because they are critics and not developers.
You imply that if Anita…
I never implied other people and/or groups don't deal with harassment. That's not remotely the point.
...I, wow. I..., -nevermind. I'm not going to even dignify you, or that, with a real reply. It doesn't deserve one.
Tell that to Jade Raymond (recently formerly) of Ubisoft, and so many others in the industry.
What is done to women, in that way, has nothing to with whether they're developers or not.
For good reason. Hexagons are actually a really useful and strong shape, in a number of contexts.
They are overused a bit in Sci-Fi though, at times, or at least, egregiously..
I don't know about every MMO, especially those potentially coming in the future, but definitely in relation to most WOW-like MMOs, you're right.
I really want to see a gruff old jedi grumpily light a cigar or a cigarette off a lightsaber, now…
Let's be honest. This one is understandable. ;p