
Eh. idTECH has some huge benefits too, though. (Though MachineGames decided to drop many of them, strangely.) It does have some problems at the same time, because of a few of its better ones, though.
So yeah, texture resolution suffers, but there's also an insane amount of texture variation and unique painted textures

The dangerously gorgeous world can be distracting sometimes, largely because you're directly influencing how it looks, thanks to your torch. There are a few other light sources in the mansion—lighting the ones by doors increases your health—but they can't really be relied upon. The torch can also be used as a weapon,

While TXAA is generally worth avoiding just because of performance, HBAO+ really is a worthwhile piece of tech, and much more accurate and detailed ambient shading and AO technique than most other things available, for a number of reasons. It's also actually more optimized than a number of others available in Far Cry

Crysis 1 and Warhead were glorious and fantastic games. The tactical breadth, possibilities, destruction, and so much else, was amazing, and still hasn't been matched by any other game, including Crysis sequels. And they're still incredibly gorgeous at times.
Playing around with the AI and open-world levels in Crysis

Unity's performance is a lot more stable than it was at the beginning.
That doesn't fix the larger problems with the game, but it is damn gorgeous often.

I wouldn't say that. There are some good looking areas and some things it does better than others, but it does have some struggles, yes.

DMM was some amazing tech, that was severely underused. It's sad it never went further anywhere.

So something like ODST crossed with Rainbow Six and Republic Commando? Sign me up.

Really? Why? I'm genuinely curious.

The Polygon article still isn't where coverage should be in amount or accuracy, but I agree, it's a good step forward.

Space Engineers uses a voxel-based engine. That's a complete other ballgame, and you would sacrifice a massive amount of things using an engine like that to try and create a game like Star Citizen.

For one thing, Crysis 1 and Warhead are absolutely incredibly games, beyond simply graphics. And while they were insanely advanced for the time, yes, they actually are not badly optimized at all, from a technical standpoint.

Secondly, if you actually read the linked page about the changes they've made to destruction,

It's just a technical test of the destruction mechanics & physics. This is not a representation of the quickness of destruction, but simply to show off how the systems work and react dynamically and physically.
So, no.

And you don't have to buy anything but the game.

Such an incredible game. Going back to the first 3 games (1,2, & Brotherhood) really makes you realize how far the series has actually gone backwards, in many ways, and sadly, some of the more important ones.

This artsy rendition of The Oregon Trail made by some former BioShock developers already had my attention when its Kickstarter first launched. Now when can I get my hands on it? "TBA??" Sigh.

SLI GPU's are a mess. Don't go for it, man.

Not to mention, if you actually /do/ visibly compare the animations, they're clearly not even close to the same. Similar, yes, but very distinctly different and unique. If I had the time and patience, I'd create a video comparison of them all, but honestly, I have neither of those at the moment, and I doubt it would

Such joy. Such spin!

Yes. They have similar movement systems, to an extent. clearly inspired by games like AC, Arkham, and others. But neither the underlying animation, climbing, & movement systems, nor the animations themselves, are even close to being the same, much less stolen copies. (Ignoring how difficult it would be to port some of

Yeah. And there's literally no basis for it. It's a balancing animation. Similar concept, similar implementation. That's nothing new. But it isn't stolen, for god's sake.
There's no stolen code. Why, and how, would they have even done that?

If you can provide any actual proof that there is stolen code, I would be glad