
Sounds like realism, dynamicism, and a game-world that exists beyond just serving my existence, to me. Which are all good things, and things developers have been striving for, for decades, and something people have been asking for, fpr just as long. Something too, that is all too rare.

Now, while perhaps the execution

It's a beautiful game, with a lot of really fascinating and interesting ideas. Great world-building. Felt like a game that was originally supposed to be semi open-world, (sort of ala Deus EX: HR, but with parkour), but that they had to pull back their ambition to get it out for release, and turned those

While I agree, I wouldn't hold my breath. It's pretty rare to see things like this fixed pre or post-release these days, even when more glaring and egregious. Sadly.

Great points. Although sadly, far too many studios, use highly-over-compressed or low-res videos for those pre-rendered cutscenes, which is immensely visually distracting and in the case of even perfectly-rendered in-engine cutscenes (meant to theoretically look nearly indistinguishable from the game stylistically),

No, exactly. I don't think that either. Wouldn't make any sense. But it's the only other thing I can think of, outside of a terribly lacking implementation of the basic (and now ancient) original SSAO algorithm, whether baked in via a map, or done in real-time.

Sure, SGSSAA is glorious (for a number of reasons you've covered, not to mention potential stable negative lod tweaking), as it's essentially an optimized, clever, improved form of downsampling/supersampling. (That's a gross oversimplification, but- yeah.) But while it's significantly less performance intensive than

I believe if I remember correctly, Chris Robers and co. mentioned in one of their panels from a week or two back, that their upcoming base character rig (for Star Citizen) has fully responsive musculature systems, which will really help for putting that next level on the cinematic performances along with all other

Is that the stock SSAO algorithm from back in the day, or am I seeing things? I really hope they're not using that, particularly in an engine that is otherwise so very capable and rather modern. But, it's admittedly one example, and a bit difficult to determine, but it just feels like it. It's weird. You get familiar

Anyone know if this is just fan art/practice/personal art, or if this is concept art from an unreleased and/or unannounced Star Wars project?

You know HBAO+ is actually one of the Nvidia enhancements that works perfectly fine on AMD Cards, right?

-In addition to being worlds ahead of traditional SSAO algorithm implementations in terms of performance, accuracy, and precision?

Quite ethereally beautiful, really.

Really shows off the work that atmospheric simulation/scattering tech is doing, too.

Why are you using Multi-GPU focused AA in a single-card environment, if I can ask?

You return it for the price it costed when it was purchased. Just like all other returns in existence.

Origin has games from many other publishers and developers, besides just EA's own.
Sorry to break it to you, but they actually are better on this front.

It would be nice if the names of the games and their capturers were under the shots, as probably not everyone can eyeball every one of these, and it's just a nice touch.

So is this a prequel to Deadpool then, or…?

One can say what they want about Unity, but it was still definitively and inescapably beautiful, especially on PC. (Though certainly still not without areas that certainly could be improved both artistically and technically from a standpoint of art and graphics.)

This game looks utterly stunning.