
Ah. good to know. I wasn't actually aware of that clarification.

I agree on the danger part in relation to awareness and the weight of the blade (or in this case, the lack-thereof), which is why force-wielders, with their enhanced awareness and control, have such an advantage in the use of sabers, and why a

You are correct in that lightsabers have no weight, and correspondingly that they take great skill and capability to use, (which is why they were primarily used by Sith and Jedi who had the assistance of the force to help with that particular issue). They do however give off heat, etcetera, as they cauterize their

Seems like some unpleasant motion blur artifacting here in this shot. Don't know if it's the implementation, or just this shot in particular, or some other factor?

Seeing as we can't actually see anything due to the terrible quality of video/fotos used to show this "set-up" off, and the fact that we're never even shown gameplay, -No.
This would've/could've been actually interesting, and intriguing to see, but to see just some menus and stuff, taken in terrible video quality that

They reference Mackandal, Agate's former master somewhat, I believe.

Admittedly Gina Carano was legitimately a professional MMA fighter before she started acting. But, all things aside, I agree.

Definitely agreed on all of that.

And you seriously think CoD or Destiny invented those gameplay concepts? They've been around for far longer.
Almost nothing is genuinely new.
You can always trace something back, from somewhere else, -almost goddamn always.
It doesn't matter that they have similarities in features or gameplay abilities, (through organic

Am I the only one that besides thinking the actors are still fantastic, that this finale was utter and complete horseshit, along with many of the most recent episodes?
While Capaldi has done an amazing job as a new doctor, this show is on its weakest footing it has been, in a long time, and that's saying something

I think he was talking about Valve's TF2.

How is no-one mentioning the fact you couldn't jump to/over something, even two feet, despite the fact of having nearly full-on parkour abilities. Led to some of the dummest, most gamey, limited moments I've ever encountered in a game. If you're going to put a movement system into a game, make it consistent, not

I would be very okay with this.

My time has come.

-cue joke about a good Star Wars game finally being released after years without any-
-proceeds to cry happily-

Gearbox isn't actually the developer on this one. It's 2K Australia, I believe.

The final game, at least at this point, isn't planned to have real word money transactions. Buying ships right now with real world money is to support development.
Once the Persistent Universe goes live, everything will be in-game currency.

I'm not debating how much memory your card has, man. Just that in any situation where any kind of multi-GPU utilization scenario occurs, you do not get increased VRAM from the second card. Data is mirrored.

And in this case, yes, never is in-fact accurate. Barring significant change to the hardware setup of PCIe lanes

Sorry. But that's not how it works. You'll never see a game work that way.
It's double 4gb, yes, but you'll never get the second card as some extra playroom. Each card has to hold the same data/frame-buffer. That's how SLI works.
So anytime you see something saying you have x2 the VRAM, whether it be via separate cards


Not sure, frankly. Not a format I use.
I think at the moment though, that all it supports is mp3.

Doesn't support flac at the moment. Which for me personally, makes it useless, for the time being.