
My Samsung J1 Ace is about the same size as an iPhone. A little smaller actually, I think. Not sure if it's available in the US though. I got mine in Honduras.

Because Donald Trump is Hitler!

Yes, kvas actually means "sour" in Russian.

I just think of kvas as Russian kombucha. It's an acquired taste, but it's good once you get used to it.

Just terrific.

Yes, I ran it on a 386 too. It was terrible.

There's an obvious opening in the market here. Someone should create a comedy network with at least 50% female creators and make tons of money. Hell, make AS pay for favoring blatant sexism and misogyny over profit and snap up all those top-notch female comics and comedy writers out there who are foolishly being

Not Ovid!

Well, mechanics always like to women too, and…dammit…wait…I had something there…

I'd say everywhere. You'd rather force the Crimeans to be part of a country they don't see as their own, I guess?

For what it's worth, pretty much no actual Crimean ever wanted to be part of Ukraine. They're happy to be part of Russia now. Seems to me that recognizing that would be the right thing.

Yes, I was surprised to hear that Lovecraft is obscure. He seems like a household name to me. At least, I've rarely had to explain who he or Cthulhu are when I bring them up in conversation.

I chuckled.

Ha, so when Barry shows up at the space station doing that and calling out Archer, it's a reference to Warriors. Cool!

I loved almost everything this last season, as least as much as I loved the first four. Then again, I'm the guy who didn't notice any drop off in quality in Community season 4.

That's your right as an American.

I only clicked to make sure Cerebus was mentioned.

Anyone else almost die laughing when Selina walks into her staff meeting after the monologue about eating out zombie George Washington's butthole and everyone's on their iPhone or asleep?

A bit on the nose.

More Candi Caruso, please.