
Gramps was looking out for you. In my experience, godfearing women prefer a hairy chest on a man.

"Snyder’s movie never mentions the fact that Sparta was a society built on slavery"

Let it go, she's operating on an intellectual level far beyond what we mere mortals can ever hope to fathom. What with our asking for evidence and all that. Let's just stand silently in awe of her vast intellect and leave it at that.


You're never not going to be a racist with these people if you disagree with them in the slightest. The race card is all they've got when they don't have an actual argument. Trust me as a guy who's be excoriated by alt-right morons as a "degenerate race mixer" multiple times.

Basically, he's a counterrevolutionary and crime thinker. Or at least suspicious enough to Goolag him just to be on the safe side.

Liked before you get memory holed.

I don't remember his saying that either. I suppose us non-smart people missed it, although our intellectual betters don't seem to have found the reference yet either. The gist of the post seemed to be that Google should focus more on hiring competent tech people and less on diversity.

Harpooner? What's that supposed to…oh, OK. I get it. Clever!

George Washington supposedly wasn't nearly as hot in real life as he is on the 1.

Someone must inform Rolling Stone immediately.

I used to have a Penny Lane tie. Can't remember at all where I got it, but it had an official looking Beatles logo on it and everything. The Rocky Racoon one sounds cooler.

It reminds me of Peter Gabriel's "Intruder" in that way.

Are you sure that's not Johnny Depp in one of those stupid pirate movies?

Well, yeah. You just have to go with the leader who's interests most coincide with yours.

If we could somehow get gringas to be more like Argentinas, that might not be entirely a bad thing.

I'm just saying, if that guy did it, you can too. Unless maybe you already fell for the academic industrial complex and went to college. Then you might be screwed. Otherwise, be a welder or hangar door technician or something like that. See the world, make money, be happy.

True. Hadn't thought about how the low T thing has even infected the Bolsheviks and National Socialist street fighting by now, but I guess it has.

Honorable mention.

I live in one of the poorest countries in Latin America. Just today my cab driver was telling me how he used to sleep outdoors in cardboard boxes, but now he owns three taxis. His secret? Pulling himself up by his bootstraps (can't remember the exact expression he used in Spanish, but that's what it meant). Would have