
i have a…good…feeling about this? or something.

yes, that part was even funnier in retrospect with the free tibet stuff at the end.

one of the things i've enjoyed most about the show is watching selena become an increasingly awful person as time goes on and she consolidates her power. she was pretty flawed to begin with, but with every episode lately she seems to get more corrupt, vicious and narcissistic, while never gaining anything in the

richard is still pretty decent. a bumbling moron with occasional flashes of brilliance, but basically a decent person. gary too, i guess.

yes, she crossed the line into insufferable on this episode. normally, you'd feel bad for the lack of attention she's getting if her mom were, i don't know, CEO of some random firm or something. but those negotiations with the highest levels of the chinese government when your mom is, you know, POTUS? maybe a tad more

as funny as those lines were, i'd totally forgotten about all of them and i just watched this episode an hour ago. that's how full of great stuff it was.

yes, i was surprised at the B+ for this one. a little slow at the start, sure, but after about 8:00 i found myself laughing at least as hard as i have at any veep episode. loved the "all things happen for no particular reason" vibe of jonah stumbling his way into congress and selena, apparently, accidentally freeing

i too am a fan of pretending that people are literally talking about sexual intercourse when they overuse "fucking" to compensate for an unimaginative vocabulary.

early morning when i wrote that, still not awake, so i wasn't very clear. i meant that i'd disagree in the sense that i think most people SHOULD go for the hollywood ideal as much as possible. beauty and health correlate strongly, and besides, beauty in itself has a lot of value.

have to disagree. for example, i've been with many women who are very close the victoria secret ideal that is, supposedly, unrealistic and airbrushed (most were not american). that body type is far more healthy than the standard, obese american female figure.

i repeat, daria is hot and has a great body.

god help me, but i always thought daria was kind of hot.

"They idealize a body type that’s increasingly unattainable for many.”

lots of dumb people out there with graduate degrees. not you necessarily, but just pointing out that having a masters is no sign of intelligence. quite the opposite, sometimes.

that one's pretty brilliant, to be fair.

maybe, but women were much hotter in the 1940s.

you are killing it tonight, ql.

that is disturbing, the idea that people would find humbert's actions somehow justified. i felt the same way about the sopranos, that a lot of people's takeway was that tony was somehow cool and admirable, not an utter monster who happens to be fairly interesting and charming at times.

that's the power of the book, to me. how truly and sincerely humbert loves lolita, how beautiful his feelings are, and how his choice to act on those feelings is depraved and evil and destroys both her life and his, in spite of all his rationalizations.

i also noticed now drop off in quality in season 4. so, there are at least two of us in the world.