1. Run flats run for a rather limited range. 50 miles or so. So you pretty much have to drop what you’re doing and head over to get that fixed. Which can be difficult as flats can happen after hours, or on weekends.
1. Run flats run for a rather limited range. 50 miles or so. So you pretty much have to drop what you’re doing and head over to get that fixed. Which can be difficult as flats can happen after hours, or on weekends.
I dunno, it sounds alright when you’re going.... speeds I’m not at liberty to say.
The Wire, West Wing, and Firefly? Ya’ll are laying the troll on thick this morning.
So is a campfire....
Standard issue summer fun is melting the aluminum cans in the camp fire
Weren’t some of these (or something like these) built out of Z31s? Also, being 240SX based, I’m just waiting for someone to buy and drift the crap out of it!
First Class best class.
Millennial here. Also not too fond of millennials.
Who exactly does the term “welfare queen” conjure up in your mind? A white woman in rural Maine?
Even a blind, uncircumcised panda finds a nut once in a while.
I guess somebody hasn’t seen Repo Man.
He has always been kind of a wiener.
Well. Looks like I am the dick head. Apologies and thanks for your service.
Funny thing about the Z4: Everyone picks it as the most Bangle-ish car built by BMW during his term there, but it was actually designed by Anders Warming.
So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?
Sean Young doesn’t even stalk him anymore.
Either you’re the next Jesus or the next Hitler. There is no in between.
Any vestiges of musical appreciation? (I kid, I kid. Sort of.)