
As much as I love Susan Rice coming to her defense, the tenor of her statement was too much for me given her stature. It really seems like there was a tear in the space time continuum. Who would ever think a former NSA director and US Ambassador would be trading threats with Snoop.

“Run to the rescue with Love, and Peace will follow” River Phoenix

I guess one bad act/threat begets another, right?

Once, circa 2009, I was driving through rural Tennessee, and a thing I like to do on road trips is listen to local talk radio of the places I drive through—sports, politics, whatever. So I landed on this station that had this guy spouting the most insane shit I’d heard on the radio. This was around when Sotomayor was

This was actually a smart move. The Right are all up in faux rage about it, but so what? It had the great effect of making people completely forget anything he said. (Which was all lies anyway) I’ve seen next to nothing on various media about what he’s talked about, just everything about what she did. If this was her

I like Nancy Pelosi ripping up the speech; as others have noted, it’s a small gesture to keep the Democratic base reminded of how much of a shit 45* is.

Hilarious that he’s super willing to shake hands with Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin but Nancy Pelosi is a bridge too far. Such a good and strong president who’s not at all petty or childish.

Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Rush Limbaugh

Y’all, is 50 all that old? JLo could run a marathon on a 5 second notice if she had her shoes with her. She’s physically fit. She’s obviously conventionally attractive (not that that matters when it comes to sexuality- it really doesn’t). Why are we surprised women of any age are sexual beings? Really?

54 and was prematurely grey in my younger years. I remember when the invisibility happened, about 5 years ago - I was at a hotel bar and the bartender literally did not see me. It has only increased since then - people walking into me on the sidewalk, not seeing me on subway stairs, waitstaff not noticing when I’m

i’m a vegan, and personally, i’ve eaten the impossible whopper, and cross contamination doesn’t bug me that much. idk, i doubt that much meat actually gets onto the burger. I would prefer that they have separate cooking surfaces, but that puts so many barriers for chains to actually serve vegan options. I’m just happy

As a vegan: This is stupid. Veganism is not about anyone's personal purity. The availability of plant-based foods is a victory, and contamination without intention doesn't dilute that. 

If you’re this strict a vegan even being inside a Burger King would be breaking your super strict vegan diet, if you can smell meat that means meat particles have entered your nostrils and mouth. Congratulations you’ve consumed meat particles.

It’s not even a flat greasy grill.... It’s a rotating chain. His burger was only touched by a few thin stripes of potential meat grease, and only because he didn’t bother to ask how they cooked it.

Seems you got to be a little bit daft to think you’re plant burger will get its own grill.

That’s sort of my point. If a company the size of Taco Bell decided to offer a plant-derived option (or even switch to it, eventually), the cost would come way down and should eventually be somewhat significantly cheaper than their beef product. I remember when people used to joke about horsemeat and Taco Bell had to

“If you have the option of getting what you want in a way that better aligns with your ethics, ignore it! This is a reasonable and logical stance, somehow!”

Of course you give up the option of eating a steak; steaks, in the sense that you’re talking about, are made of meat. But why do you care what other people call their food?

I actually wish they’d go the other way. You know who needs fake meat? Taco Bell. It’s already barely beef and the beef of it isn’t really as important as the little blob of greasy, taco-spiced stuff that accompanies one’s tortilla and cheese combination of choice. I’d love to be able to get my periodic fix with

I went to public school in NYC, not all THAT long ago, and the school lunch food did not even look (let alone smell or taste) like food. There is literally no possible way those meals could have had fewer nutrients. So if any parents are really that worried about their children's balanced diets, they should have