Did you star yourself for this comment? WTF kind of thing is that to say?
Did you star yourself for this comment? WTF kind of thing is that to say?
You can’t divorce the two. Although I see a lot of people here on Jez attempt to do it. And while I agree that people should understand where meat comes from, as that might help to eventually dismantle factory farming, the people who *DO* understand where it comes from and revel in it are worse on a personal level -…
I don’t. But genius point you’ve made.
I do not eat meat. I did not need to see this to understand that the meat industry is “messy”. Thanks for the attempt at educating me, though it comes off as a bit more of a glorification.
I have a similar story involving the guy showing up in a 3/4-length leather jacket. That was it. It was so unstylish and inappropriate for where we were going.
Totally petty and that’s why I’m starring. The post literally SPECIFIED that the dealbreakers be petty and everyone’s getting all butthurt about the fact that they really ARE petty. lol
This is one of my top 5 dealbreakers. I cannot deal with transition lenses. Don’t even know why.
I ended a months-long relationship a few years ago with a guy who often “forgot to eat” because it just “wasn’t a thing for him”. Whereas I get totally psyched for food. Not being able to share a nice meal and enjoy it the same way....nah.
That is the correct pronunciation.
YES! Related: when someone chews their nails down to stubs, creating a suction-cup appearance to the ends of their fingers. <shudder>
Uh..ok. Congrats, I guess? That pic is fucking disgusting.
I invariably end up with shampoo instead of conditioner or vice versa when I shop. And yet...I’m only pissed at myself when I get home.
I did a double-take. My first thought was “How bizarre that the murderer looks so much like Kutcher!”
Ha. Yes! I used to do the same. For some reason IG gives me anxiety. There is tons of good content (my feed is full of interiors, mostly) but — because it’s never-ending, it becomes such a time suck. I feel as if I’m frantically trying to absorb it all and there’s just more and more.
The favorites get it the worst of anyone. :|
This was a great feeling, wasn’t it? You really captured here. <sigh>
Right? And I believe that’s one soda cup and one shake cup...and, really, who among us has not partaken of both at one meal?
Death by aesthetic deprivation.
“...to ban abortion upon the medical detection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)”
I like you.