
Same! I brush so hard that I have broken my toothbrushes a few times. Before they had those fancy rubber grips on them - which will hold a broken handle together quite well - I actually cut my cheekbone pretty deeply when one snapped apart in my hand as I brushed. I can’t stop doing it and it’s not good. Teeth are

Ok, true. That is definitely true.

Aha! Thanks for the clarification.

But why not? You have just as many hours in a day as Kim Kardashian!
JK...I think OFTEN of all of the courses I would take/degrees I would go for if money was no object. Imagine! And yet so few of these people do it. :(

Thank you! I have been so confused about this. Hm.

I don’t...? Is “a minimum of 18 hours a week” supposed to be a formidable or impressive number? Is this really how little time you need to put into a law degree? I seem to recall the lawyers I know busting serious ass. This does not seem like busting serious ass. I mean, great that for once she is touting something

I stared at the header pic of Ivanka yesterday for the same reason. And the last segment of her fingers bend forward from the rest in a very odd way. Strange.

Why does her go-to ensemble seem to be that of a British colonial ‘explorer’? Like, this is her favorite silhouette from what I can tell. And she’s even worn a bloody pith helmet to boot. It has serious dictatorial vibes.

I came hear to say the same. I often get grief for correcting grammar here, but refuse to think it’s not important. Also, “recently-deceased” does not need a hyphen, but to point that out is just spitting into the wind. 

Kandingko below says Etsy has some purveyors. 

I don’t think I ever said anything about the workers themselves? It *IS* the corporations I’m pissed at. But I’m also pissed at anyone who thinks this is not a big deal. Because I do think it’s being lazy to brush this shit aside and shrug your shoulders. Working there because your options are limited while

Maybe that’s not how her cell phone works. Some people choose not to use their fingerprint as a pin. Or facial recognition or any of that other bullshit.

No, it is not routine. And varies by state law, apparently. Unless you work as a teacher, hospital worker, govt worker or contractor, et al. The average Joe going to a regular 9-5 job at an office should absolutely not have to have their fingerprints collected.

I was being (not obviously, apparently) sarcastic. I agree with you.

I know it is. I do what I can -- similar to you. I realize I’m screaming into the void, but I had a little breath in my lungs this morning. 

Yes! My parents are exactly the same way. My dad was on unemployment for quite a while...we used foodstamps and my siblings and I got free lunch and milk at school with vouchers. He is Fox-News-insane at this point, spouting the same lines that your parents do. And when I reminded him a few months ago that we took

Don’t be ridiculous. You don’t FOLD a tinfoil hat. You MOLD it to your head or they can still access your brainwaves.

Cool. Looks like we have a difference of opinion.


I would, absolutely prefer that. I’m not threatened by human interaction.