
You might want to get that checked for Naegleria fowleri.  Nothing spoils a day at the park like brain-eating amoebas.

Badgers?  We ain't got no badgers.  We don't need no badgers!  I don't have to show you any stinking badgers!

I heard Peter Coyote on Fresh Air years ago (here's a transcript - http://www.petercoyote.com/….  He spoke about some of the pitfalls of all the free love stuff that people don't usually talk about.  He called it "death over the orange juice" - i.e. sitting down to breakfast with your partner the morning after they

I can't wait to see the slotted spoon on Nancy Grace.  She's going to give it such a scrubbing.

I don't see any love for "Cold Sweat" in the article or the comments so far.  For me, that's really a standout.  I have a memory (which Google hasn't been able to confirm) of a quote from Aretha Franklin that that song was the one that made a lot of other artists go back to the drawing board and change their approach

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus Those sinus cavities are just sitting there, doing nothing!

It's okay, Peter:

What about the Atreides?  Maybe in the pre-Dune days…

If I had had any artistic talent, I might have tried that (circa 1980).  Any action that resulted would've been infinitely more than I was seeing at the time.

I love those books.  You left out the trumps, which would also be handy and, frankly, awesome.

I want to be a Misfit of Science!

My account is messed up the same way, I've never been able to figure out what is wrong with it…

I was going to wait until someone asked directly, but I don't post that often so nobody ever did.

Madman standing by the side of the road,
Saying "Look at my eyes,
Look at my eyes,
Look at my eyes,
Look at my eyes!"

He's an altruistic pervert!

Cedar Point, hell yeah!  I'm from Michigan and went to U of M, so I have no great love for Ohio, but Cedar Point!

I also recently finished "Wool" based on Tasha's previous recommendation.  Thanks for that, Tasha, I really enjoyed it.  I'll probably take a break before I get "Shift".

I read that a few months ago and really liked it.

It's not that contagious, but it can be contracted by direct contact with someone's partial denture.  The incubation period is a few days.

All this smouldering is inflaming me to violent action!