
That Lionel Barrymore could really wear some sexy pants, couldn't he?

When I got to the "Now I’m at this point where I’m an adult." paragraph, I thought I'd wandered into a Viagra ad.

Maybe we should all get a room or something.  The sincerity to snark ratio on this article is getting dangerous.

It makes me smile that there are at least 10 or 15 other people (on this site alone!) that love this album as much as I do.

I was just thinking that this and "London Calling" were two of the first albums I bought (when they came out, I was 16 or so) when I started to emerge from the classic rock bubble and get interested in the new music that was around at the time.  Growing up in the Detroit area, I was very familiar with Motown and soul

I always thought the last verse was an indication that "they" would tramp the dirt down, but that he was ultimately not interested in doing it.

I don't think it qualifies, but I feel like someone should at least mention the "Hit the Road, Jack" sequence from Buffalo Bill:  http://www.youtube.com/watc…

And there's one other thing, you have to do,
To thine own self be true!

You people lactate.

Thank you, Thing!

The big question:  Is this movie really 15 better than "Room 222"?

@avclub-efea81f3bc821356883eda68ffab5973:disqus I can't speak for all viewers, but I'm guessing that the networks' obsessions with immersion and interactivity has more to do with getting people to watch commercials than anything else.

"Armistice Day":  We surrender and let the aliens have their way with us.  SPOILER ALERT:  It's a cook book.

I would probably choose Yale, but in the context of the Big Ten I can see where one might find this amusing…

I think Smithers is supposed to be insulting, given that Mr. Burns is Michigan.  Go Blue!

Mr. Burns?  I'm affronted.  Release the hounds!

What's the point of being Jon Hamm if you can't show off your junk on the set?  I figured it would've been in his contract…

It wasn't a loan, it was a gift.

I went to Osheaga (in Montreal) a few years ago.  At the end of the first evening, there happened to also be one of the shows for the Montreal International Fireworks Festival in the park adjacent to the venue.  So, we had Arcade Fire to the left, fireworks to the right on a beautiful evening.  The only downside was

I saw some of the guys from Calexico open for Neko Case a few years ago, and they did an awesome version of "Cortez the Killer."  I found it on YouTube, although it's from a different night: