
The interesting thing for me this week was the guy (Jay's friend?)
who said that Jay told him Adnan killed her in the library parking lot -
the place where Adnan has been maintaining that he was when the murder happened.

I enjoyed this. I was a huge fan of Twin Peaks when it was originally broadcast, and I still love it. I was in my 20's at the time and not particularly spooky, but BOB scared the shit out of me.


I love Coldsweat, too. I consider Sick for Toys to be more of a glorious mess, but it always makes me smile…

This girl I know, she's sick for toys, sick for toys!

Where, oh where are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over,
And thought I found true love,
But you met another and pfft!, you was gone.

Ooh! Ooh! Do I get to kill the son of a Turkish diplomat while I'm there?

I like the movie. I was in college (at Michigan) when it came out, which caused it to hit a little closer to home, but I think it's a good movie. I was born at the end of the baby boom and was going to get all preachy, but I thought better of it. I'll just say this to all the boomer-haters - give it a few years.

They look like movie posters you'd see on a wall in Diagon Alley. They don't really do anything for me, either.

I loved their contribution to "Let Me See Your I.D." on the "Sun City" record:

Yes, and "Under the Boardwalk" was a sequel to "Up On the Roof":

Bob 2? Oh, the humanity…

I didn't read all of the comments (because I'm lazy), but didn't anybody else get the impression that Nina didn't win partly because she ignored the instructions and prepared two extra courses? I think they were extra annoyed about the dessert because she had wasted a bunch of time doing things that they weren't able

Yeah, I did a little googling and I found basically the same thing. I think part of the reason I originally thought of "Alcide" is because he does have kind of a racially indeterminate look about him.

It's interesting, I don't remember anything being mentioned about Shadow's race. I pictured him as a white guy, and don't remember seeing anything that contradicted that. It's been a while since I read it, though, and wouldn't be out of character for me to have missed it…

When I heard that HBO was considering it, I wondered about Joe Manganiello (Alcide from True Blood) as Shadow.

Tara Lipinski's tutu!

I love it when people "flush [something] out" rather than "flesh it out". My biggest peeve, though, is "a whole nother".

I started watching last season and enjoyed it without having seen the previous seasons. Now I'm working my way through the earlier seasons and am enjoying them as well. Obviously, there are a number of things that have been spoiled, but it's not been a big deal to me.

I came down here to say the same thing as @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus, I'm kind of dumbfounded that this didn't make any of the best album lists as it is clearly my favorite album of the year. And while much of the rest of the album is about detoxing, I think this song is about something more