
I loved the Dark Knight. Its narrative falls apart a little bit at the end, but the first hour and a half to two hours of the movie is really, really solid. The issue is that it’s a well-edited movie that makes its point without beating you over the head with it. It meanders a bit towards the end, but up until that

I believe that a lot of those bad feelings are coming from a mismeasure of fans expectations of superhero films versus the kind of story that Zack Snyder is interested in telling.

I must say, the “Marvel Method” contains 2 seasons of Daredevil and 1 season of Jessica Jones.

“Ang Lee’s Hulk, a forgotten classic”

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

I’m going to be totally honest. When I read this, all I could think was this dude was thinking way too much about what was happening in strangers vaginas. I mean, thanks for helping a fellow human out, but that is some pre-planning that I can not wrap my mind around.

This is a very gentle, amusing hoax that hurt no one and I congratulate them both.

LPT: Don’t base your entire online persona around a slang word for feces.

You’re hilarious.

Meaning, these are the smart people. Any closer to the “action” at a Sixers game should come with a Surgeon General’s warning. From nosebleed, it almost looks like a basketball game down there.

Actually, the main reason she was elected was because she was pushing to find out the truth about the state of the water. She’s spent her entire time in office trying to fix this — and being ignored.

I hear ya.

This is a well-written, thought-provoking article.

Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these

He only hit 1 free throw.

Oh, let them have their fun. I care not about The Piggers, either, but making an unsolicited comment about how much you don’t like it is as annoying as those who want to remind people they don’t have a TV, are vegan, do crossfit, vape, and/or own a Prius.

Schwartz was an English lit major at Yale (class of ‘09). An earlier bio indicated that she moved to Paris shortly after graduation. One does not just fall off of the turnip truck and into Yale, off to Paris and then into career writing for the Nation and the New Yorker. She is not without talent, but many talented

A well-heeled person with a cushy six-figure job at a snotty magazine catering to rich people is shitting on people who support Sanders?
Color me shocked!

thinkpiece idea: “man who has been in congress for 20 years just doesn’t understand how congress works”

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-