
So instead we should just allow unrestricted speeds on tiny and heavily traveled roads? Because that will only end well for all of us.

How many years will it take for us to qualify for the Olympics again?

That’s a straight up tackle with intent to injure.

I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan. I consumed the Dark Horse comics, many of the novels, and so on.

The work isn’t being erased, you can still go read it. As it is it’s never been high canon to begin with, the movies are above everything.

How is it a blow? When Lucasfilm decided that those books were no longer canon, it’s not as if they dispatched people to go out and remove those books from circulation or existence. They’re still out there, you can still read and enjoy them, so what’s the problem? All the worldbuilding, all of the stories are still

I just found out about you people calling each other “12’s”.

You’re so right the people that are paid to know the rulebook should get a pass imo

No Mans Sky is sort of this generations Spore. Which makes me wonder why anyone who remembers the insane hype and then UTTER paning of Spore could possibly be hyped by this new version.

Yea, I realize the tweet itself isn’t something that huge. That said, this is a perfect application of the overused phrase, “you had one job.” In the scheme of his tasks/responsibilities, this isn't the same as any other employee.

Seems like a pretty big oversight for someone tasked with managing a public-facing social media account on behalf of the org.

By my watching the assistant coaches were far more unhelpful than most of the players. Gray 90 at :28 was clearly helping the situation. A bunch of high school males in full padding hit each other with the coaches egging them on. Sounds like a football game to me.

Always Melee Truthers

I drive a Prius. Does this negate every single “shoulda bought a diesel bro” comment on Jalopnik I’ve been forced to read over the past 10 years?

Typical me first, and who cares about the team behavior. Just because you broke up a pass doesn’t mean that you’re a baller and need to grandstand. What ever happened to the days of when players just did their jobs and didn’t constantly showboat? A John Riggins, or a Dick Butkus, or a Larry Csonka. The culture

Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.

Christ. Get that cat away from sociopathic teenagers before something awful happens...

Yeah... I don’t get it either. Isn’t this what Campus Greek culture is about? Seems weird to be going after the video and not the hundreds of sororities that exist to promote this kind of thing.

I don’t understand why THIS sorority video, of all sorority recruitment videos, was the one to cause so much drama. Is it because of the bouncing? Aside from getting through the trial of my rapist, I think sorority recruitment is maybe the most sexist, awful thing I’ve ever experienced. Definitely the worst thing I

wow tswift is an atrocious dancer