
They recaptured the hell out of those smoking ruins.

It doesn’t seem like it sometimes, but people can and do get kicked off of buses and subways for being a nuisance, and planes are more restrictive. People do not have the right to make a disturbance in public. Often people will give a pass for babies, but if you stand up and be loud in a restaurant or an airplane,

Also adults crying is not the same as adults screaming. I cried the entirety of a 2 hour flight last year and everyone knew and left me alone because I clearly wasn’t hurting anyone. When a baby starts purposefully disrupting a flight to mess around with its baby friend a few rows up we can kick the baby off too. I

Good! We should punish people for being intentionally disruptive and annoying. Why in the world should we just turn our heads and ignore people being jerks?

No, it’s safe to fly with an obnoxious baby because we know they aren’t going to start shit. Obnoxious people can easily get rowdy and cause all sorts of problems.

If they were worried this guy was unsafe, they would have had him arrested and questioned by TSA. They didn’t. Airlines absolutely have the right to remove people who disrupt flights, even if there is no safety issue.

The guy films his pranks at airports or in airplanes and then we’re supposed to be outraged that he finally got kicked off a plane?

You don’t kick babies off flights because they can’t help it. They are absolutely right to kick belligerent and obnoxious passengers off a flight.

I get to decide whether or not I continue a pregnancy going on in my own body, so yes, I do get to end a parasitic relationship I don’t want to be in. Your fantasy of forcing women to be genetic mothers is disgusting, shameful, and telling.

Oooo..... nice! This looks really cool! I thought about Persepolis or Y the Last Man but wasn’t sure how either would fit... Thanks for the recommendation!

When Christians tell me my grandparents are burning in hell, I’m not allowed to judge them because it’s their religious belief. But I’m the asshole for saying “no” when they ask me if I believe their god exists.

I think religion does far more damage than a ranting jerkface atheist for sure.

I think they respect the right to HAVE and PRACTICE those beliefs...but I sincerely doubt they respect the beliefs themselves.

Mostly because of how much we’ve had religion rammed down our throats for so long. Makes one a wee cranky.

I find Christian art and decoration equally off-putting. Nothing spookier than the guy on the cross. And all that shit that shows Christ with a gun, or Christ staring off into the middle distance, crosses everywhere, all that shit is freaky. Catholic men in gold trimmed dresses, it is all super spooky. I have a deep

The issue here is standing. I have a feeling that he would be more than happy to challenge it before a member of his church gets denied the exemption, but he knows that it would be immediately thrown out because he wouldn’t have standing since he can’t file anything on behalf of a non-member. He *has* to wait for a

Duct tape.

How do I feel?

We call that Freedom Foam.

Republicans often win by cheating: see voter suppression