Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo she was a 19 year old drug addict and he was 34 and married. No wonder Carrie Fisher always finds ways to emphasize that Harrison Ford is a douche biscuit.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo she was a 19 year old drug addict and he was 34 and married. No wonder Carrie Fisher always finds ways to emphasize that Harrison Ford is a douche biscuit.
And what did the world hear? No matter what you think your vote said it was not interpreted how you meant it. It was never going to be interpreted how you meant it and methinks you knew that.
Everyone’s asking why so many white women voted for Trump and Emily’s post reveals exactly why. Their shrugging off of the idea of privilege is the very definition of it.
Y’all are ridiculous. Nobody took a gamble. White people voted for white supremacy, and it won.
This is why I will never visit NYC.
I’m going to be annoying but there is a reason there are food safe laws. I’m not saying this woman’s ceviche is going to make you sick, but selling food that you make in your standard kitchen cannot be guaranteed safe.
spitting is never necessary
Spitting on the ground was my #1 dealbreaker.
What bullshit.
The religion is founded on a very deeply held belief that women are guilty of sin. All sin. Any sin. If the baby is dying it’s because she did something or wrong or because the vessel itself is evil and will always be evil. Feminism and catholicism cannot coexist.
Yes, Misty is 1st with ABT, but Arthur Mitchell was the very very first in American ballet history as the first black dancer who went on to create and direct his own company, The Harlem Ballet. Talk about controversy when he was partnering white girls in the late 50s/60s.
Although it isn’t appropriation, it is pretty annoying. Pointe shoes are like black belts for ballerinas, we only earn them after a whole lot of hard work and sacrifice.
Hello! I was at this march today. It was terrible and windy and raining and we were thousands. and we were not the only city.
Call your grandmother and tell her she needs to teach her son some respect.
I didn’t know that the term ‘curve’ existed, and quite frankly, I wish I never learned about it. This is ridiculous. Rejecting someone’s advances is normal behavior. No one owes you anything. And would you really want these women to have to find inconvenient ways to reject your advances? What do you even mean by…
This goes to show just how screwed up our health care/insurance system is in the U.S.
It actually does, and women know that. Are you also a dude? And why the fuck do you think women should have to couch their communication to please MRAs? That’s crazy.
Yeah, I’m kinda shocked Jezebel of all places would announce that she was afraid of being raped-well duh.