
they recently had the first DQSH here in my city, and (as expected) the online forums were throwing a hissy fit about it, alleging that they were hiring pedophiles and were indoctrinating children, etc. etc. The library hosting it endured weeks of phone calls both for and against it (more were for it). The library

It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...

Why are people saying she is on drugs? Racism is not a side effect of any drug. LOL please stop with that bullshit. Y’all are trying to rationalize this nonsense. That white privilege even affects people of color thought processes.

Actually, none of Elizabeth Warren’s political career has been spent as a Republican.

“Like I said, Elizabeth Warren gets it.”

She’s gotten it for a while now. And here she’s proved it.

I hear this kind of thing and I can’t help but shake my head. Are we supposed to discourage people from learning from their mistakes? 

Elizabeth Warren makes it real hard for me to keep being cynical about the current political process.

It’s because the Prize Committee can see into the future.

(a) they are unlikely to at this point

The referendum was not binding and parliament represents the people.

Why won’t Splinter become the right-wing nutjob blog I want it to be?

That 2nd tweet has an article about what Trump was talking about. Trump was pulling funding from the State Department to give to the Military. Mattis told Trump if you don’t fully fund the State Department that he would have “to buy more ammunition” aka Diplomacy prevents conflicts. Trump was too dumb to understand

Trump and his fans have set the bar so low, I cant even tell if you’re kidding...

Pivoting hard... to word salad?

So the next time this dude claims sincerity, we’re just supposed to buy it wholesale, right?

Real courage of your convictions there, Pewds.

This feels like a fun table-setter of what’s to come.”

Also, depending on what you want to discuss, consulting an attorney first isn’t a bad idea. 

this story is not a surprise at all.

Who downloads these weird, crappy apps in the first place?