
As someone who has been in the HR/Talent field for over a decade, I really wish this statement was more false than true. My addition to your well-said statement is that in addition to unionizing, there needs to be a HR revolution, which I feel is starting to happen as the older workforce is making way for those of us

This is the Best thing ive read all day! Im a proud union tradesman and a Union is the best protection for employees.

In all my years working I have only ever met ONE HR director that I thought genuinely was working in that department to protect employees from the company rather than the other way around. Everyone loved her, she always went to bat for us if there was an issue.

Your first statement is absolutely correct. If you ever have a claim you need to come to HR with that is a potential career-ender for you or the person you are bringing the complaint against, retain a lawyer first and go through the scenario with them. That way, your leaving the company will be on your own terms

Will shit himself? Oh Katherine, what do you think is happening during those five hours of “executive time” every morning? He soils himself every night while asleep. His assistants roll him out of bed and get him to the shower to hose him down. The sheets are peeled off of the plastic wrapped mattress and taken to be

Anybody who has had an elderly relative with dementia pass away has likely found notes like these in their residence after they were gone. My grandmother had grievance notes like this all over her house, and I’ve spoken with many other people who have reported the same kinds of notes with their loved ones also.

I’m sorry, but this title is so incredibly stupid.

A lot of these people running for Prez should be running for Senate.

Tell the CBC to stop trying to push preferred candidates and get to work impeaching Mango Unchained. Its not just the stuff in the report that’s criminal, its every effort he continues to make to obstruct in the process. Their job is to do the will of their constituents, not sit around coming up with presidential

Next episode-

Jaime obviously knows better than anyone else exactly how awful Cersei is; he’s always known

This is not only the best, but the ONLY, real explanation I’ve seen for the KL landscape change. Thank you.

>If she lied to him about being pregnant, it could finally open his eyes to how awful she is.

Um, I thought the symbolism was actually pretty obvious around the White Walkers-global warming conclusion:

I mean, there’s a ton about this game that’s mockable....

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

Arya is a master assassin. We all saw how she became that and it was not at all surprising she was the one. Almost the entire series she has been set up to do this. And we don’t need to see how she got to the Night King. Again, we all witnessed how she became a master assassin. That’s all we need to know. She used her

If there was any justice in electoral politics Elizabeth Warren would be leading the pack. Too bad she let the devil/Trump get under her skin with his “pocahantas” slur. At this moment, I am very very impressed - she knows her stuff.

If you had told me a year ago that I would be cheering on Elizabeth Warren I would’ve suggest you get a drug test. I wanted nothing to do with her after she threw shade about Obama’s speaking fees. (I will NEVER care about anyone’s speaking fees.) But she has REALLY impressed me in this run for POTUS. She is putting

I’m a graduate of PVAMU.