
If you’ve spent any time with Sanders supporters online, you’ll know that what Clinton has to say about his online crowd is mostly true. As someone who spends a good chunk of time in various and diverse political online spaces, the stereotype of the angry Bernie Bro who is out to tear down other candidates in order to

These shots make me think that whoever produced this did not read any of the books, ever. This will be a hard “No” from me.

>I’m not here to take up space, I’m here to create it.

>Sheen plays his role so far over the top it’s almost too much. It’s as if his director just kept asking him to “go bigger” with the performance and he never stopped.

Welp, now’s as good a time as any to brush up on my Norwegian I suppose.

I feel like in a healthy democracy, a story like this should be sufficient to effectively end a candidate’s run. Wonder what’s gonna happen when/if other outlets start picking this up and start to boost the signal.

>But there’s a far simpler alternative: Palpatine met a woman, perhaps even fell in love, and then, well, told her the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, if you will.

The company I work for is in the process of updating all of our web properties to be fully ADA compliant, and I’m in the trenches trying to figure out how to make that happen for content going back over a decade. It’s a LOT of work, but I personally believe it’s the right thing for us to just do the work to become

>which was SNL’s last episode of the year

Oh, looks like they turned Primer into an action movie.

So a mage, a decker, and a chipped-out street sam walk into a bar...


I am strongly in favor of Warren’s ultra millionaire tax, and according to the most recent polling so is most of the country. The fact that billionaires get away with reaping all the benefits of what we’ve built with our tax dollars (shipping goods on roads built with taxpayer money, monetizing and monopolizing interne

>Still on board with Warren. There’s plenty of time to rebound...

I’m still upset they didn’t cast Ryan Gosling to play the son of Goose.

>Mitch McConnell said he wishes he could help.

>The director is the son of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, so there’s no shortage of star power in the film—but that’s not what it’s about.

That’s exciting news, and I’m quite sure Keon will rock this role as one of the Expanse’s more memorable characters. Let’s just all hope Amazon doesn’t drop this show again!

Michael, please, at some point when you’re ready, run. I don’t even care which office, I trust your instinct to pick the right one. Just please make it so people like me can vote for you and support you, because I have a feeling that what drives your writing could do a lot of good driving policy, too.