
>I’d be interested in an article regarding why China and to some extent Korea have such a fundamentally different attitude to Pay2Win games. 

How does that ship have gravity? If they have power to generate gravity, then they have power to alter their ship’s course. This movie is stupid and the people who made it are stupid and everyone should be ashamed of themselves.

1: a violent and destructive crash involving a train

I’m wondering if maybe I should just start my own damn video streaming website at this point. At least then the only clueless shithead I would have to deal with would be me.

>“The image of the Invisible Man in the floating trench coat and the floating sunglasses is one that is clearly etched into the public consciousness,” Whannell told EW. “I wanted to kind of get away from that and make something that was really modern, really grounded, or as grounded as you can be when you’re dealing

I’m still waiting for someone to realize that Skynet exists outside of causality in a five-dimensional manifold and that every branching timeline (the “original” timeline, the new timeline created in T2, the weird timelines from Salvation and Genisys as well as the awesome timelines from the Sarah Connor Chronicles)

I like how Spencer’s voice breaks during his little temper tantrum, like he has about as much control over his diction as he has his feelings. I mean, Jesus Christ, my four year old is better at regulating his emotions than that guy.

Do you have recommendations for people who want a first/third person post-apocalyptic online role playing game with strong survival elements such as base building and deep weapon customization set in the nuclear wasteland? Because The Outer World’s ain’t that.

>While barons are the lowest order of British noble

Is no one going to talk about the fact that the whole thing underpinning ALL cryptocurrencies is in danger of being upended by quantum computers finally arriving on the scene in earnest? Google’s already announced they’ve achieved quantum supremacy, and the whole field of taming the actual quantum computing hardware is

Soooo... is this one of those False Flag operations I keep hearing people on the right complain about? But I thought the evil liberals were the ones doing the false flagging. I am so, SO confused!

Jesus, this is actually happening. I think I’ll listen to some Giant Apes and Really Slow Motion trailer music for the rest of the day. Holy shit. We’re doing it. Finally.

Link is left handed though. Actually, let me expound on that: if they ever added Link to the Switch version of Overwatch, they better have different skins that reflect that particular Link’s handedness as it’s changed across games in the Zelda franchise.

>The problem with ion engines is that they aren’t effective with big payloads—shooting little ionized particles out of the back of a spacecraft isn’t going to move a big ship. Also, the thrust is ridiculously low, equivalent to the weight of a sheet of paper. It would take them weeks to slow down after getting the

Makes you wonder what the goal was for those trolls, don’t it. Like, what did they think was going to happen: that having slurs and insults lobbed at them from some keyboard cowards would make WFP leadership change their endorsement? Did they just want to start shit and make their preferred candidate look bad? Curious

This is not a difficult case to crack. It’s a bunch of incels and internet niceguys who are trying to lash out at women who threaten their fragile little egos.

>“The unfortunate fact remains that one in six women will face some form of sexual violence in their lives—behavior that’s unacceptable for our society and on our platform.”

>aquanaut fairy godfather

Oh god. My brain hurts. This is so colossally stupid, of course it tracks. Of course this fucking orange moron cannot understand nuance. Jesus, just when you think you got an idea of just how stupid this guy is. WTF.

>Yep. If Donald ever had anything close to a real marriage it was with Ivanka.