
Ha, trick question! The correct answer is “Stop using Facebook have you not been keeping up with recent events what the hell is wrong with you I swear you people have the attention span of a god damn goldfish!”

I’d posit that the narrative given (“We wanted to make a show that appeals to the people in the flyover states who put Trump in the White House”) is a prettied-up version of their actual line of thinking, polished for public consumption. The ACTUAL reason for making a Roseanne reboot probably went something like this:

Addendum to the fun fact: The eponymous problem at the heart of the novel “The Three Body Problem” is actually a FOUR body problem. Which also serves as a nice summary of the novel’s scientific accuracy in general: very, VERY close, but at the same time oh so very wrong.

To be completely honest, I’m a bit puzzled by practically everything about these ports. Why did Squeenix release them in the first place? Why did they fuck them up so badly? Why do people buy these ports? Why are people so upset about the visual fuckups?

No, see, there’s a twist at the end where it turns out the mark and the whole production crew were in on it the whole time, and the show was REALLY about whether it’s possible to use social pressure to get someone to make a show about using social pressure to get someone to commit murder.

Okay, I am dying to hear an explanation for this: where do you think people are “finding new bitcoin” if not through processing transaction blocks, exactly?

OR (and I know this flies in the face of how we normally think of social media, but hear me out) you can do what I do and burn your reddit account every six weeks and start over.

Please don’t feed the troll. They’re not being sincere. Look at their comment history. All they do is make themselves feel better by attempting to drag everyone else down into the mud with them. Just report, ignore, and move on to better things.

This chart is good, but it’s missing “Organize your personal tasks into three week sprints and use Jira to track stories and burndown charts”. Scrum for life!

Ctrl+alt+del is for plebs; real men use Ctrl+shift+esc.

My daddy is a handsome devil
He’s got a chain five miles long
And on every link a heart does dangle
Of another maid he’s loved and wronged

>beyond-freezing temperatures and airlessness of space

>Somebody made a set of code that needs to be decrypted to release more “coins” by using raw computing power to decode them. Once that finite code is fully decrypted, that’s all the bitcoins that will ever exist in the world, that makes the bitcoins “rare”. 

>bitcoin and its ilk derive their value from the fact they are by essential nature beyond government control

I think Smith is likely going to try to use the multiverse to find a way to get his son back, much like Fringe’s Walter Bishop. I’d watch that.

There’s a hilarious bit of internet folklore about ginormous starships, it’s a letter from a star destroyer inspector to the Emperor regarding his recent tour of the imperial fleet’s latest monstrosity. Contains such gems as pointing out that taking the turbolifts from the stern to the bow takes over a day and thus

The script’s called “Killing on Carnival Row”, not “A Killing in Carnival Row”. On, not in; no article either. And it’s the best god damn script I’ve ever read. I can’t wait to see the Haruspex in all her disgusting glory on screen.

So, serious question: Threatening violence is a direct and obvious violation of Twitter’s code of conduct (see here: https://support.twitter.com/articles/18311). What would happen if people started to report Trump’s saber rattling tweets and the service banned his account or gave him a temporary ban? For the sake of

Don’t discount that VR headset just yet.

One really good indicator of a canine’s urinary health is if their pee starts to taste extra bitter, you should take them to the vet.