Taylor tried to ruin Kanye’s reputation? Get out. He did that all on his own.
Taylor tried to ruin Kanye’s reputation? Get out. He did that all on his own.
I left Reno two years ago and wondered what kind of support the March would see. Glad to hear it!
I care. But we know Jezebel’s Official Stance on all things Beyoncé. I like her just fine, but what I don’t like is the thin-skinned commentariat that has a Real House Wives of Who Gives a Shit GIF dog pile every time someone DARES to be critical of Beyoncé. Meh. I miss Gawker.
Have you ever been around an 8th grade girl? They would put him to shame and leave him in copious tears. He would be so lucky.
This was my favorite joke as a kid. Obsessively so.
As someone who deals with unwanted children daily, fuck the “heroic” bit. Seriously. What they say and then what women who end up feeling like breed sows do in private is a whole different ball game.
Here! Here!
These stupid fucking anti-bullying posters are all over our room. We host Girls on the Run and are a full service community center with lovely patronizing posters an iota away from an old Teen Spirit ad. These are all brought to you by Secret. I added my Lemongrab dungeon posters to offset that bullshit.
I'm tired of being told how adorable this child is. Seriously.
Or at least it was before she bought new features...
Back when VS gave a shit about the sensuality of their models. The Cabbage Patch faced Australian One effectively destroyed that.
Ewwwwwww. No.
If I believed in a Judeo-Christian God, I would most certainly hope that He is a boob man because I’m going to need all the help I can get.
I have run out of reasons to dislike her- go be happy with Annie!
How is any of that worse?
I’m crying like a cloud just opened up on my face. See how I ineloquent I can be? But I'm serious.
Literally the Arm and Hammer box said “may be packaged in a facility that processes peanuts”. Good lord.
More Bertie!!!
On the other side of the issue, I was moved to true anger by a parent who gave my teaching partner the waggling finger about baking soda. Baking soda used in food that this peanut allergic child was not close to or involved with. Arm & Hammer baking soda used in dozens of activities, baked into a hundred things I have…
Gag me with a spoon! How old are you?