how are they gonna deal with low hanging foliage
how are they gonna deal with low hanging foliage
it’s a grower, not a show-er.
Not only that, but the process is different if it’s a 360 or a more current title. Always gotta make sure I’m logged in too.
Yep, Amazon is applying the customer focused philosophy of software development to basically the entirety of society by introducing rapid, iterative changes to benefit the customer and maximize efficiency while ignoring the realities of a functioning livelihood.
I seem to recall that UPS was somewhat famous for paying their drivers well with good benefits and whatnot. Basically it was a solid blue collar job. Amazon started delivering via people using their own cars, but now that they have rapidly expanded to have their own branded fleet, with uniformed drivers, I’m curious…
not so much a car as a lifestyle...
I’ve known about the one in CA ever since I was a little kid as it was in some magazine (and I thought it was real), finally went in my 30s. What’s funny is the pic in this slideshow looks exactly like the CA spot. Must be same set up.
why are you confused about a developer developing the next entry of their most profitable IP? does EA announce that they are working on another madden?
this. people are not realizing the potential precedent to be set in a lawsuit involving a hardware manufacturer controlling the sale of software on their devices.
That’s where I draw the line.
actually, it rocks.
and the even bigger asshole who landed their gas powered rocket in the electric charging rocket pad!
meanwhile, china doesn’t even know when or where theirs is gonna land!
It could be an interesting and impactful case for sure. A future where hardware suppliers only allow digital content purchased from their own marketplace is not an ideal situation.
Yup, especially as we veer toward more and more digital content, this is needed now to set legal precedent.
Sony has a download only console, with a future steering toward a vast increase in digital purchases. This will set a good precedent for the market if Sony is forced to allow third party marketplaces to sell digital content.
i have never seen them in person, and apparently just missed them driving towards palm springs in the dark, but they have a depressing connotation to me since i always associate them with the saddest scene from the movie the Wizard
I wonder if any families in the middle of an overseas relocation have their personal belongings on that ship.
what enormous...eyes she has.
they look like macy’s day parade float versions of the original characters.