Considering 200MM+ doses have been administered, we can have a full professional sports seasons with minimal disruption, film tv shows and movies, i think it’s ok if a few kids get together to play UNO on a webcam.
Considering 200MM+ doses have been administered, we can have a full professional sports seasons with minimal disruption, film tv shows and movies, i think it’s ok if a few kids get together to play UNO on a webcam.
yes. it’s the black coating. i HATE it. also, as an audi person, i didn’t like those rims either, but at least they aren’t so loud, and they look super easy to clean. the same era audi had a much better wheel option.
yea i called in to get a replacement and they said the same thing regarding the paint...was going to be $80+ for 2 square inches painted.
if u have a polestar 2, u don’t have 1
i thought season 2 was better than season 1...i think...
looks like a great way to reduce wear and tear on public roadways with supplemental lift.
most B6 Audi’s seemed to have that cover missing as once one person lost theirs, only one way to get a new one...and the cycle continued.
ignoring the bolt holes, this chunky transformer lookin style of wheel is ugly as sin and it is becoming increasingly prevalent, like on the RAV 4.
yup. for daily cleaning my french press i just put soap and water in it...and press a few times.
where we’re going, we don’t need comments
if it’s not capitalism, then maybe it’s consumerism. the tech industry has fostered an incredibly influential philosophy of putting the customer first and making the product development process as efficient as possible without regard to the workforce.
yea but those people see a picture like this and use it as a reason for wanting to be in their car, isolated from others.
block or charge?
ok this is funny. the screenshot of that tweet with no indication of what the reply warranted was baffling.
unless the mods are profiting off their manipulation of others protected IP, i don’t see why anyone should care if there is a community out there creating digital content that anyone can optional participate in.
But despite saying he welcomed people moving to Florida, Judd warned, “don’t register to vote and vote the stupid way they did up north and get what they got.”
What’s funny to me is Mare of Easttown is slow and morose, but incredibly intriguing. The Nevers is action packed and fast paced...and incredibly boring.
Watched the first episode of that last night. The difference between that and Nevers, as well as many other shows premiering recently, was so obvious. Good to see premium television still has a home on HBO.
has anyone who played the original fable games on their respective consoles tried to boot up their old saves using the gamepass digital versions of the games?