
But despite saying he welcomed people moving to Florida, Judd warned, “don’t register to vote and vote the stupid way they did up north and get what they got.”

What’s funny to me is Mare of Easttown is slow and morose, but incredibly intriguing. The Nevers is action packed and fast paced...and incredibly boring.

Watched the first episode of that last night. The difference between that and Nevers, as well as many other shows premiering recently, was so obvious. Good to see premium television still has a home on HBO.

has anyone who played the original fable games on their respective consoles tried to boot up their old saves using the gamepass digital versions of the games?

but they will happily stock a dozen black X3 M40i, whatever those are.

using unnecessary hyperbole to complain about a demo format for clicks is the dumbest shit ever.

you clearly have never witnessed k-pop twitter in action...

this already happened

i guess i’m angling more toward the notion that now we have common consumer vehicles that can go 0-60 in under 2 seconds, have 700 hp, are generally capable of getting you from point Aish to point Bish with minimal driver input, while weighing over 5k lbs...and yet the process of getting a driver’s license hasn’t

That’s good and fine and all, but the reality is that these crashes happen because people are fucking idiots.  Car technology and power keeps getting better, but people are the same fucking idiots.

your opinion is invalid, THIRD amendment man

I actually remember when the new Ram came out because it was such a big deal.  I almost recall it being treated as a completely new vehicle.  My neighbor bought one and it was a point of pride.  We had a Dakota.

 the real tragedy will be when they put the electronic sensor panel in there with the production model.

it’s not green, it’s red

isolating tiny slivers of land from a contiguous country seems silly.

speaking of, did you ever watch past season 1?

another episode that manages to somehow be boring while so much is going on.

this definitely has a HBO MAX, not HBO premium content vibe.

also, outside of fiscal reason, plenty of people just don’t want to play via VR

nobody would be buying from the scalpers if they didn’t exploit the market and hoard stock