
which i think is a sin in Scientology 

The really fucked up thing is, wasn’t Travolta’s son autistic?

“Fred Durst directs—”

That’s called a joke, you (to coin your term) ignorant fuck.

I’m going to focus on one part of the story: the current mindset that it’s not rude at all to just whip out a smartphone whenever you feel like it.

Oh, I take the ending entirely the other way--don’t show the deaths so that they can be alive. It’s a movie that’s making myth, not fiction, and I thought it was a nod to that.

How the hell has the world not become a fascist police state following two infiltrations of the highest level of powers resulting in mass destruction? I mean, jesus, we still can’t wear shoes through airport security and the shoe bomb didn’t even work!

This is a show with superheroes, metahumans, and magical creatures, but the most unbelievable part of the episode was those kids knowing the words to a James Taylor song.

They could bring him to Vancouver and raise him there. What greater gift than to make their child Canadian?

I would have expected a strip club in Hell to be a LOT sexier and sleazier. Maybe that is a subtle Hell thing & what makes it disappointing.

You seem to be doing a pretty good job getting off.

I feel like I need to know more about Constantine to fully get what’s happening in Hell in this episode. Also, Hell doesn’t seem that bad to me. A little dim and dreary.

And for some reason they just keep adding more.

It doesn’t really work all that much for me either, mainly because:

she knows they are a covert group who often goes undercover for assignments. for all she knew, this might have been a big assignment that her behind decided to blow up because her feelings were het up about her favorite author being a “fraud.” she was basically acting childish.

They have too many regular characters.

I don’t want to hate on Mona and think in small doses she is funny. I will just say that I don’t think she has made much of a case for herself being a permanent addition to the team. 

That thing with Mona at the convention pissed me off.  While it did lead to Mick admitting to being a writer, the way they did it sucked.  I wanted her gone from the show after that.

I’ve been trying to figure out why this season isn’t really working for me personally so far. I think it is a combination of mainly two things. First is that it feels too zany which makes everything feel so inconsequential. As much as I get the Damian fatigue from last season, at least he was a core menacing presence