Sure it was silly and it was obviously shot as a “cool comic book page moment”. However you know who loved it?
Sure it was silly and it was obviously shot as a “cool comic book page moment”. However you know who loved it?
or explain that the moving images on the screen can’t hear you
Obviously the correct thing to do would have been to calmly explain why her emotional response to the scene was invalid.
The scene was silly and seemingly made for future gifs or memes, but the teenage girl sitting near me in the theater cheered her head off. So that’s kinda cool at least. The similar scene in the last movie definitely worked better.
I don’t think the whole “Valkyrie should rule New Asgard” was well-done either- last time we saw her, she was an alcoholic with trauma from the last time she defended Asgard. Then, two films later, she merely walks through New Asgard with the Avengers, points to Thor’s cottage. Why does she want to lead the Asgardians…
All political correctness is pandering, from the homosexual references in the therapy session to the girl power scene. I prefer the original ALIEN movie, where Ripley was clearly just as smart and capable as the captain, but still retained her femininity in the final scene. She survives because she had the perfect…
There was also the time he promoted some “great video essays” from a YouTube channel that was filled with white supremacist dogwhistles and rampant racism, and one of the videos he specifically highlighted even contained a racist slur in it’s description.
Exactly. This isn’t the fault of “the media”. This is Pewdiepie’s fault, plain and simple, because he keeps flirting with the White Supremacists and Neo-Nazi’s that make up the “alt-right”. The fact that he refuses to acknowledge his own culpability shows that he simply doesn’t get it, and that he’ll keep doing the…
It’s almost as if making racist comments and making light of Nazis will make you popular with racists...
If feminism is believing that women and men are equal, then how is he not a feminist?
I would say that his response to his ex-wife trying to trash his reputation was pretty solid too. “I love my ex-wife and family and I don’t want to discuss my divorce in public” is the appropriate response.
He cheated on hiis wife - big fucking deal.
The AV Club: “We want more roles for women on television, except if they’re written by Joss Whedon who only writes strong, intelligent women because those are the kind he likes to fuck and anyway his women AREN’T strong and intelligent because sometimes they talk to male characters and/or bad things happen to them…
What really galls me about this is how nothing about Kai Cole’s account of his supposed hypocrisy actually undermined his feminism, yet many on this website took it as if it did. If we’re going to condemn every person who’s cheated on their partner, then let’s go ahead and sink the whole goddamn film industry, and…
Coughing up blood is woke AF.
At this point, an AV Club writer wouldn’t be able to say whether he or she preferred to breathe oxygen or airborne clouds of razor-sharp iron particulates without toeing the party line. If particulates get more clicks, then it looks like someone will have to write a quick newswire called “We Love Our New Bloody Lungs…
Divorced of the post by his ex-wife, the backlash that exists against him is about....a bad script he was commissioned to write? I mean, Buffy/Angel/Firefly hold up as some of the best TV produced this generation, the MCU doesn’t become what it is without him handling the Avengers, Dr Horrible is a singular…
Joss Whedon, despite his significant faults and failings, is a solid director and writer, and I think he’s generally good at getting good performances out of his actors, so if we’re going to have a new Joss Whedon series on our television sets, I am super glad thatat least Laura Donnelly is getting a lead role out of…
I’m glad I never considered Whedon a great feminist hero because the downfall of his reputation hasn’t affected my opinion of his work as much as it would otherwise.